Shih Tzu is one of the dog breeds loved by royalty. Shih Tzu names must be as cute as the breed itself.
As a Shih Tzu owner, you will not want to keep calling your Shih Tzu by its breed name, as all the similar breeds will have the same name.
Keeping a unique name will make your Shih Tzu stand out as it will add it to your dog’s beauty. If you are looking for Shih Tzu names, this is a perfect read for this dog breed’s owner.
This article will cover the Shih Tzu names for male and female dogs. It will also cover why it is essential to have a dog name, how you can choose a suitable Shih Tzu name, and a few tips to help you out.
Let’s start with the Shih Tzu names read!

Best Shih Tzu Names
Some of the best male Shih Tzu names are Calliope, Felicia, Bitsy, Choo Choo, and Gucci. A few best female Shih Tzu names you can consider are Ava, Cookie, Flossy, Queenie, and Zoe. Let’s discuss these names in detail with their meanings below.
Shih Tzu Males Names
The five best Shih Tzu male names are:
- Calliope
It is pretty, as the meaning makes it even more fascinating. It means having a beautiful voice and face, and who else than Shih Tzu to whom does this name suit the most? We all know how pretty the Shih Tzu breed is; Calliope is a perfect male name to consider.
- Felicia
Shih Tzu lovers know this breed’s joy, so why not a name whose meaning is joyous? Yes, Felicia means joyous, making it a suitable name for your Shih Tzu.
- Bitsy
Shih Tzu is small in size compared to many other dog breeds. Bitsy means to get a bit of something small. Doesn’t the meaning go with Shih Tzu? Yes, it does, so it wouldn’t be odd if Bitsy is your new choice for naming your Shih Tzu.
- Choo Choo
You must know Queen Elizabeth’s dog, a Shih Tzu. The best part about the Choo Choo names is that the Queen’s Shih Tzu had the same name. It makes Choo Choo a royal name, making your Shih Tzu sound like royalty.
- Gucci
We all are of the Gucci brand. Naming your Shih Tzu Gucci will represent your dog as expensive as well as fashionable. The Shih Tzu breed deserves all the praise, and Gucci is a perfect fit for its name as it defines its beauty and luxuriousness.
Shih Tzu Female Names
The five best female Shih Tzu names are:
- Ava
Shih Tzu’s are fast and the cutest pet an owner can have in today’s time. Ava, the name itself, means cue as well as nippy, defining Shih Tzu’s personality by its name. Ava can be a perfect choice for your female Shih Tzu as it is a girly name.
- Cookie
We love treats like cookies and desserts. Cookie means something very delicious to have, although it may seem a bit weird to name your pet with an eatable item, aren’t Shih Tzu’s the food lovers? A cookie name will sound cooler on a female Shih Tzu.
- Flossy
The name flossy mean cotton candy. With all the flowy and glossy hair, a Shih Tzu has flossy sounds like a perfect fit. Flossy will define its softness and smoothness just as cotton candy.
- Queenie
This Queenie name sounds perfect for a royal dog like Shih Tzu. As we Choo Choo for a male Shih Tzu describes its royalty, the same goes for Queenie for a female Shih Tzu. It will define your Shih Tzu as royal as well as regal.
- Zoe
The name Zoe means a special gift. What is a better gift than a Shih Tzu for a partner? Whether your Shih Tzu is a gift or your purchase, it is a gift for your lonely life. Zoe is an even better name if your Shih Tzu is a gift and a female.
Our two favorites!
We are a bit biased but our two Shih Tzu’s are called Penny and Isabella.
They are both girl Shih Tzu’s as well, feel free to use the names as well!
Best Names For Shih Tzu Puppy
A few of the best Shih Tzu names of various types of Shih Tzu are:
Cute Shih Tzu Names
- Cuddly
- Kindly
- Bean
- Lucky
- Whimsy
- Spunky
Chinese Shih Tzu Names
- Gongzu
- Shizi
- Bantu
- Pengyou
- Kenai
Celebrity Shih Tzu Names
- Bella
- Rusty
- Bing & Bong
- Munchies
- Lollipop
Black & White Shih Tzu Names
- Twilight
- Dusky
- Icy
- Snowflake
- Milky Way
Why Is It Essential To Name Your Shih Tzu Through Training?

If a new Shih Tzu is coming into your life, you can always call it Shih Tzu. The philosophy is the same as the newborn child: you can not call him a newborn a baby throughout his life.
No, so why should you do that to your pet, as it is now becoming a part of your family?
A person’s name also defines his personality; a good name often has positive effects, whereas a bad name can negatively impact the personality.
The same goes for the names of your pets. You must think of a good and positive Shih Tzu name, so your dog has a happy and cheerful personality.
Giving your dog a name is not enough until it knows it has to respond to it. Your Shih Tzu must be aware of its name so that it can act or react to situations whenever you call out the name. The dog needs to have an identity and also be aware of it.
You may not necessarily want your Shih Tzu to run towards you when you call its name. The owner must be looking to instruct the Shih Tzu to sit, stand, eat or run, etc.
After you give your dog a name, the name response training has to start. You must call your Shih Tzu with its name and wait for it to respond. It may not happen the first as you have to train your Shih Tzu for that.
Here are a few ways you can train your dog with its name:
Food Reward
The food reward is one of the best ways to train your Shih Tzu. When you call out your Shih Tzu, it must start staring at you: to make it do what you want, you must offer it a treat in exchange for the actions you demand.
You must repeatedly repeat this action to create an association with your Shih Tzu. After a few sessions, your Shih Tzu will know that it needs to perform what the owner wants to get a reward.
To keep your Shih Tzu intact, you must try foods that you’re Shih Tzu loves, but do not be consistent with that, as you need to keep changing the reward to make the training more effective. You can try difficult food items each time.
At the end of the training, you will see your Shih Tzu waiting for an order after you call out its name. It is how your dog will start to develop good habits and follow your instructions.
Noise Distraction Training
In addition to the award training technique, noise distraction training can effectively judge the level of association you have developed with your Shih Tzu. This method will also make your bond stronger.
You can ask your family members to make strong noises to see if your Shih Tzu gets distracted or not. Start with calling out your dog’s name, and when it starts looking at you for further orders, it creates a noise distraction.
If your Shih Tzu immediately turns away to notice the sound, try calling its name to have its attention. See you fats it responds to you or starts avoiding you due to the distractions.
You can choose various distractions, from light to strong noises, to strengthen your association with your Shih Tzu. You need to continue the reward training until the dog stops reacting to the noise distractions.
Once it stops and gives you attention when you call out its name and waits for your orders despite any noise distractions, you have achieved the name response training with your dog.
Tips To Name Your Shih Tzu
Naming a dog isn’t as easy as it sounds. There are many factors to consider before giving your Shih Tzu its name. Here are some tips you must consider when naming your dog:
Simple To Understand
Your dog’s name must be simple for the dog to understand clearly. If the name is too complex, your dog must get confused and take much longer to respond than it might with a simple name.
Try to focus on single-word names rather than going for two to three-word long names as we do for humans. The shorter and simple the dog name, the faster and easier it will be for your dog to respond.
You can consider the names suggested above as the names for your dogs. These names are simple and easy to understand.
Size Matters
Your pup’s size matters when you decide the name for it. The names will differ if your puppy is big, stronger, and muscular compared to a smaller breed. All breeds cannot have similar names.
As a Shih Tzu is a small breed, you must consider a small, cute and easy name for your Shih Tzu puppy. The name of your Shih Tzu should define its personality, nature, or habits: having anything of the breed in common.
Don’t Use Command Words
Using command words as your dog’s names can be the worst as it will create confusion in their heads about whether the owner is calling them or commanding them to do the actions.
Imagine naming your Shih Tzu ‘sit’. What will you say when you want your pup to sit, as it may confuse the Shih Tzu to sit or respond otherwise. Avoid using sit, stand, and similar commands as your pets’ names, especially dogs.
Must Be Unique
Your Shih Tzu is not always going to stay indoors. It needs a walk and playtime outdoors.
Try to name your Shih Tzu something unique that is not similar to others dogs. You don’t want to call your dog in the park and get a response from many other pets and vice versa with your dog.
Make sure your Shih Tzu has a unique name that no other dog has commonly so that your dog can respond to you promptly when in the crowd.
The name should be loud and clear for your Shih Tzu to hear their owners calling even from a distance.
Depends on the Breed
When naming your dog, you must also consider checking out the names of similar breeds you have.
In this article, we must be looking at the Shih Tzu breed names as an inspiration for your Shih Tzu pup. You can also look at the names at the article’s beginning.
Wrapping It Up
This article is a complete guide for people looking for Shih Tzu names. It covers all the best names you can consider for your Shih Tzu, from male Shih Tzu names to color-specific ones.
This Shih Tzu names guide will also guide you about why your Shih Tzu needs a name and the tips you can consider while deciding on a perfect name for your dog.
The good the name, the better impact your Shih Tzu will have.
With all the information in this article, in the end, you must take inspiration and go with what suits you and your Shih Tzu.
You can also go ahead with giving your Shih Tzu your favorite name, as calling your pet what you can be the best choice.
I hope you come up with a beautiful name for your Shih Tzu.
Make a comment below the name you decide for your Shih Tzu and why you chose it as the best choice.