
Does Shih Tzu Have Hair Or Fur? A must-know for all allergy sufferers in 2022!

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Does Shih Tzu Have Hair Or Fur?
Does Shih Tzu Have Hair Or Fur?

If you watch pet shows, you might have seen Shih Tzu with long flowing hairs and wondered if Shih Tzu has the hairs. Or is it just the fur?

All adult Shih Tzu have a good hair growth rate, so if their hairs are left uncut for a large period. The hairs can grow longer down to the ground covering the whole body of Shih Tzu.

But to a normal lay person, it can mix the hair itself with fur and vice versa. Shih Tzu also has a so-called double coat which acts as a reservoir for the shed hairs and keeps them stuck to Shih Tzu’s body.

Giving the Shih Tzu a more friendly lapdog sensation with a fluffy coat and grown hairs. If you want to investigate more about Shih Tzu hair, then you are at the right place; we will be breaking the biggest ice talk on whether Shih Tzu has hair or fur.

With supporting details and facts. We will talk about different types of Shih Tzu hairs, textures, and shedding behavior of the breed. So, stick with us till the end.

    Does Shih Tzu Have Hair Or Fur?

    Shih Tzu has hairs around its body, not fur. Shih Tzu has two coats of hair on their body. The inner is made of thick shorter hairs, and the above with long silky hairs. Both enhance the dog’s beauty and make him look more gorgeous.

    If you are a Shih Tzu owner or going to be one, then you might have wondered at some place whether the Shih Tzu has fur or hair. Very few misconceptions are being spread in this regard.

    Some say that Shih Tzu has fur, while some support is having hair. To know what it is, you should first have a crystal-clear concept of the terms fur and hair. Hair is a bit thinner and lighter, which keeps flowing long outside the skin.

    While fur is thicker and denser with a shorter length and lies down close to the skin, you can investigate and differentiate both by following the touch and sight formula.

    By touching the coat, you can feel the rather the Shih Tzu has hairs or fur; moreover, it can also be done by visualizing.

    Why is My Shih Tzu Hair Not Fluffy?

    Why is My Shih Tzu Hair Not Fluffy?
    Why My Shih Tzu Hair Not Fluffy?

    Not having fluffy or silky hair could be a sign of some health issues in your Shih Tzu. If your Shih Tzu hairs aren’t fluffy, it might be because your dog has a weak immune system and remains sick most of the time.

    Shih Tzu hairs not being fluffy could also be because of a hormonal imbalance. Improper sleep routine and a poor diet lacking in essential nutrients can also cause the hair un fluffy.

    The presence of parasites in the hair can restrict hair supply and could also be the reason. Below we will mention the major causes that can cause hairs in Shih Tzu un fluffy.

    The causes are discussed in such a way that their solutions are also deduced under the same umbrella too. Hope you find this helpful.

    Not Fulfilling The Grooming Needs:

    Lack of proper care and grooming can cause a lot of problems; it can also serve as the basic element for your Shih Tzu not having fluffy hair. No doubt, long fluffy hairs look beautiful.

    Brushing will remove any tangles from the hairs. Proper oiling and regular cleaning can make the hair healthier and fluffier.

    There is always a price that is to be paid to enjoy the quality. And to enjoy your Shih Tzu having fluffy hairs, you had to take care of his grooming needs and fulfill them on time.

    Lack of Nutrition And Unbalanced Diet:

    A diet or meal lacking in hair growth and health nutrients will also be why your Shih Tzu doesn’t have fluffy hair. So always look for food that has all the essential hair growth nutrients.

    If you observe your Shih Tzu hair to be lifeless and feel dead, it is a sign they lack major nutrients. You can also supply nutrients by using oils and hair products.

    Over Stressed and Anxious:

    Excessive stress and separation anxiety can cause hair to become thinner; as a result, they become weak and shed off and won’t get fluffy. Stressful conditions can produce curly hairs, which tend to trap the dander in the skin cells.

    As the dog sheds less frequently than that, trapped dander can cause allergy if trapped for a long period close to the skin.

    So, spending time with your little friend as much as possible is better. It will increase the release of oxytocin hormones and help build a friendly, pleasant mood. A pleasant mood has a significant impact on hair health and growth. It causes hair to be fluffier.

    Being Sick or Medical Issue:

    Several health conditions affect the hair follicles and promote bad hair growth, like Acquired Alopecia which causes some parts of the coat to lose hair. Fewer hairs contribute to a thinner coat which becomes stiff rather than fluffy.

    Cushing is also another health condition that promotes the growth of rough hairs. Seborrhoea is also a skin disorder that affects hair growth; it is characterized by leading oily skin, which produces sebum.

    It can be responsible for itching in hairs and inflammation, which can affect the fluff growth of the hairs.

    There are a few signs of your dog being sick or having bad health are few of them are. Fainting when out, lethargic, chronic skin infections, improper sleep cycle, and bacterial infections.

    Presence Of Parasites:

    Checking your Shih Tzu hair and skin for the presence of any parasitize is also an important tip to maintain good hair health. The presence of parasites can cause coat damage, blood reduction, and the weakening of follicles, which itself stops healthy fluffy hair growth in Shih Tzu.

    Parasites can be either Fleas or Ticks. Flea’s major hair parasite that takes shelter in dogs’ coats and feeds on their blood multiples into many within a few hours of landing can be responsible for bad hair growth.

    Be aware as they can transfer them to humans too. Ticks can spread infectious diseases like Ehrlichiosis and Lyme disease, which can cause your coat to become dull and rough, restricting them from becoming fluffy.

    Does Shih Tzu Hair Change Texture?

    Does <a href=Shih Tzu Hair Change Texture?” class=”wp-image-2280″/>
    Does Shih Tzu Hair Change Texture?

    Many Shih Tzu is surprised with hair change textures. It is normal for Shih Tzu dark hairs can change their darker texture to a lighter color. Colors can even fade into another color.

    Shih Tzu hair colors do change, but the most noticeable change occurs when a puppy coat changes to an adult coat after reaching a certain level of maturity. Some of the changes are natural, while some can be because of health issues and bacterial infections.

    Today it has become hard to differentiate between a natural texture change as grooming products enhance most changes. Good health with a pleasant temperament weighs a lot in determining the texture of a Shih Tzu.

    Shih Tzu Hair Type

    The Shih Tzu is a pup known for his looks because of his charming hair. Shih Tzu has long and dense fluffy hairs blowing away with the air or longing like brides on the floor. But both conditions make the Shih Tzu look more friendly and loving.

    Some Shih Tzus have wavy hairs, while some have straight and coarse. Shih Tzu hairs are in a variety of different colors, which compile up to the coat colors of Shih Tzu.

    Their hairs can be of one solid color like black, silver, blue, or white. And even can be multicolor or tri-color combinations like white with tan or red with orange and yellow.

    Do Shih Tzu Shed?

    Yup, Shih Tu does shed, but the amount of shedding is too small that people call Shih Tzu light shedders. Moreover, as the amount of shedding is also much less, it would be hard for you to look for any signs. What is shedding, and how is it caused?

    With time, it’s a natural process that hair follicle shrinks, the blood supply is discontinued, and as a result, the hairs fall, detach and fall out, which is termed shedding. There are three cycles of shedding, which are as under:

    • Anagen Phase: 85% of the coat is growing in this stage. If it is healthy, it will not break off; as a result, it will keep growing until your Shih Tzu looks like a shaggy bear.
    • Telogen Phase: After the growth stage has passed, the telogen stage, referred to as the dwelling stage, starts. In this stage, the hairs grown hold tightly to their position and secure a healthy bond with the hair follicles.
    • Catagen Phase: The last cycle in which shedding occurs. The follicles get weakened, and hairs are allowed to detach to make space for the new growth.

    These cycles are beneficial for maintaining good coat health. They keep the coat renewed and healthy. If your Shih Tzu has good coat health, only 10-15 % catagen phase is observed, which is very low compared to other dog breeds.

    When Do Shih Tzu Shed Their Puppy Coat?

    When Do <a href=Shih Tzu Shed Their Puppy Coat?” class=”wp-image-2282″/>
    When Do Shih Tzu Shed Their Puppy Coat?

    From the age of around 10 months to a unit of a year, the Shih Tzu puppy coat changes from a puppy coat to an adult coat. The first coat that appears as a single coat with a fluffy soft furry texture is the puppy coat.

    Later, a thicker and stiffer coat takes the lead, referred to as an adult coat. During this conversion, they will shed a bit more than the usual shedding limit, which is quite normal. The whole conversion lasts for around a few days to a few weeks.

    The conversion is very useful as it helps remove all sorts of dead and loose hairs in the coat. And a new journey of the coat starts, which can now protect the Shih Tzu against environmental changes and other conditions.

    If the adult coat appears with revealing red, inflamed patches or scaly skin, it is advised to visit a vet at the earliest opportunity.

    Do Shih Tzu’s Have Undercoats?

    Yes, likewise, humans Shih Tzu coat is made up of hairs, not of fur. Despite giving you a tough time cleaning the sheds, which are less in the case of Shih Tzu as they are light shedders. Their availability of coat in a variety of colors make them unique pups.

    Shih Tzu can have both dense and thick to silky and soft hairs. Shih Tzu has a double coat. A double coat is a thick undercoat beneath a more extended smoother top layer.

    It means there are two layers of hair. Just above the undercoat is a region of long fluffy flowing hairs called a full coat. Which has high maintenance needs, and you have to spend a lot of time grooming, oiling, and brushing it if you want worthy hair.

    The undercoat holds the fall-off hairs, which are removed while brushing. It makes some people think that Shih Tzu doesn’t’ shed.

    Final Words: Does Shih Tzu Have Hair Or Fur?

    Shih Tzu is one of the best friendly in-home dog breeds with very beautiful hair. Their affectionate, loyal, and friendly nature had always won the heart of their owners.

    Their availability in various colors and fewer grooming needs had earned them an excellent reputation. People usually confuse our hair with fur so remember and take away with you that Shih Tzu has hairs in a coat, not fur.

    Proper grooming and regular brushing are the keys to healthy hair growth and fluffy hair. Watch for upcoming skin issues periodically so that you can cure them before any adverse effects on the coat.

    That was all from our side on Shih Tzu coat hairs; if you still have any queries, you can drop them down; we would love to hear from you. You can also comment below your suggestions.

    Best of luck with your Shih Tzu!

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    I am the owner of Shihtzuadvice.com and the proud parent of two black and one gold Shih Tzu's. I belive that the Shih Tzu is the best all-around dog for anyone and want to share with you as much valuable knowledge as possible about this great breed!

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