Shih Tzus are beautiful dogs with unpredictable eating behavior. Compared with other dog breeds, Shih Tzu eats a lot of food. While some Tzu dogs are picky eaters, others eat just about anything with an open heart. It’s essential to feed your pup high-quality food to stay in shape and live in good health.
That said, what can Shih Tzu eat?
Continue reading to find out what food your Shih Tzu should eat and what to avoid when it comes to fruits.

Which fruits can Shih Tzu eat?
Can Shih Tzu Eat Apple?

Yes, Shih Tzu can eat apples. Apples are a beautiful treat for your pup – they contain crucial nutrients like vitamin A, Vitamin C, and fiber. Apples also support the teeth’s health. Just avoid feeding them the core. Apple is one of the safest snacks you can feed your pup.
The antioxidants in apples protect your pet against disease and boost their overall health.
The fiber in apples helps aid digestion and optimize the nutrients from their food.
Dogs need both vitamin A and C.
Vitamin A helps the muscle, skin, and coat function.
Vitamin C boosts the immunity to combat diseases.
The hard and juicy texture makes the apple a fantastic fruit for your pups.
In addition, it can help get rid of bacteria in your dog’s mouth. Hence, eating apples regularly can help relieve foul mouth odor.
Can Shih Tzu Eat Avocado?

Should you feed your Shih Tzu with Avocado? Well, it depends. The avocado tree contains a fungicidal toxin called Persin, which can threaten your dog’s health or even lead to death. Avocado fruits, leaves, pits, and the real plant contain Persin, and these parts are poisonous to dogs.
Avocados are toxic for dogs. Persin can cause diarrhea and vomiting in dogs and even more severe symptoms depending on the sensitivity of the breed.
Because of avocados’ high-fat content, It can result in pancreatitis in pups. So avoid giving your dog Avocado.
Can Shih Tzu Eat Banana?

Bananas are safe for your Shih Tzu. So don’t worry if they accidentally ate some bananas or if you’re planning to treat your dog with some.
Some of the bananas’ healthy minerals and vitamins are potassium, fiber, probiotics, vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and natural sugar. Bananas have a lovely taste that most dogs enjoy.
Potassium in bananas aids calcium absorption and strengthens bone and blood vessels. In addition, it also tones the muscle.
Vitamin B6 in bananas functions as an anti-inflammatory to regulate red blood cell function and prevent cardiovascular disease.
Banana contains fibers that aid the digestion of your pup’s food.
Vitamin C in bananas boosts the immune system and regulates blood pressure.
Can Shih Tzus Eat Blueberries

Who is not a fan of blueberries? Blueberries are a superfood, look cute, and taste great.
So can your Shih Tzus eat blueberries? Quick answer – yes, they can.
So feel free to give your Shih Tzu some blueberries, but ensure you don’t overfeed them.
As aforementioned, blueberries are a superfood. This means they’re rich in vitamins and antioxidants.
Not only are Blueberries the most popular fruits around, but they’re also the healthiest.
They’re rich in Vitamin C and oxidants, which boost a dog’s immune system and keep them healthy.
Another positive thing about blueberries is that they contain low sugar, making them a good option for diabetic dogs. But consult your vet before giving your dog.
Can A Shih Tzu Eat Grapes?

Raisins or grapes are not healthy for Shih Tzu, and you shouldn’t feed your dog with them.
It’s yet to be proven scientifically the causes of harm in grapes, but we know that they can be toxic, and your Shih Tzu should not eat them.
The main reason you should avoid grapes for your dogs is that they may cause severe damage to the kidney, which can result in kidney failure or even death.
Can Shih Tzu Eat orange?

Yes, Shih Tzu can eat oranges. They make a beautiful treat for your dog. Eating oranges offer your pups key nutrients like vitamin A, potassium, and fiber. Oranges also support your pup’s teeth.Orange is one of the safest snacks you can feed your pup.
The antioxidants protect your dog against disease and boost their overall health.
The fiber in apples helps aid digestion and optimize the nutrients from their food.
Dogs need vitamin A, and C. Vitamin A helps the muscle, skin, and coat function. Vitamin C boosts the body’s immunity to fight diseases.
Further, it can help eliminate bacteria in your dog’s mouth. Hence, eating apples regularly can help relieve foul mouth odor.
Can Shih Tzu Eat Watermelon?

Yes, Shih Tzu can eat watermelon. The fruit contains beneficial nutrients and vitamins, and they have 92% water. This makes them a refreshing treat for your pup on a hot day.
But before feeding them, you must understand some things.
However, avoid giving them the seed and rinds of watermelon because they may cause health problems.
Watermelon contains beneficial nutrients like Vitamin A, C, and B6. It is also rich in fiber to support digestion.
While watermelon contains sugar, its fiber content insulates sugar and delays its release into the bloodstream. The fruit also contains Lycopene which may prevent cancer in your dog.
Watermelon contains low calories and sodium, but no fat and cholesterol, making it a healthy choice.
Can Shih Tzus Eat Strawberries

Shih Tzus can eat strawberries but in moderation. They’re also a healthy treat you can give your pup.
Remember that while most Shih Tzus will enjoy strawberries, some may be allergic to the fruit. So it is best to give them a few pieces and watch how their body reacts to the fruit.
The sugar in strawberries can increase the blood sugar of your diabetic dog.
So, seek your vet’s advice before feeding your Shih Tzu with strawberries.
Otherwise, frozen and fresh strawberries are both beautiful treats.
Strawberries contain vitamin C, B1, B6, potassium, fiber, and Folic acid, promoting your dog’s health.
Strawberries contain low calories, so you don’t have to worry about your dog being overweight.
In Conclusion
As you can see from the above, what may seem like an innocent fruit to feed your Shih Tzu can potentially cause them a lot of harm, so make sure you’re careful what you feed them and do some research online first to avoid a trip to your local vet.