Shih Tzus are known for their affectionate nature and charming personality. As intelligent and eager-to-please dogs, they thrive on mental stimulation and positive reinforcement. Teaching your Shih Tzu new tricks is an excellent way to keep them engaged, strengthen your bond, and showcase their cleverness. In this blog post, we’ll explore ten fun tricks to teach your Shih Tzu this year, providing detailed steps and highlighting the important aspects of each trick.
1. Sit
The “sit” command is a foundational trick that every Shih Tzu should learn. It’s the starting point for many other tricks and helps establish control and obedience. To teach your Shih Tzu to sit, hold a treat close to their nose and slowly move it upward. As their head follows the treat, their bottom will naturally lower to the ground. Once they are sitting, praise them and give them the treat. Repeat this several times until your dog associates the word “sit” with the action.

2. Stay
Teaching your Shih Tzu to “stay” is crucial for their safety and obedience. Begin with your dog in a sitting position. Hold your palm out towards them and say “stay” in a calm, firm voice. Take a step back and, if your Shih Tzu stays in place, reward them with a treat and praise. Gradually increase the distance and duration of the stay, always reinforcing the behavior with positive rewards. Consistency and patience are key to mastering this command.
3. Shake Paw

“Shake paw” is a delightful trick that highlights your Shih Tzu’s sociable nature. Start by having your dog sit. Hold a treat in one hand and gently lift their paw with the other, saying “shake” as you do so. When your dog lifts their paw, even slightly, praise and reward them. Practice this repeatedly, encouraging your Shih Tzu to offer their paw voluntarily. This trick not only impresses guests but also strengthens your dog’s focus and coordination.
4. Roll Over

Roll over” is a fun and impressive trick that requires patience and practice. Begin by having your Shih Tzu lie down. Hold a treat near their nose and slowly move it towards their shoulder, encouraging them to roll onto their side. Once they follow the treat, continue guiding them to complete the roll. Reward and praise your dog each time they successfully roll over. Gradually phase out the treat and use only verbal cues and hand signals.
5. Play Dead
“Play dead” is an entertaining trick that adds a dramatic flair to your Shih Tzu’s repertoire. Start by commanding your dog to lie down. Hold a treat close to their nose and move it towards their side, encouraging them to roll onto their back. As they roll over, say “bang” or “play dead” and gently guide them into a lying position. Reward and praise your dog for staying in the position for a few seconds before releasing them. This trick requires patience but is sure to impress your friends and family.

6. Spin
“Spin” is a lively trick that showcases your Shih Tzu’s agility and responsiveness. Hold a treat near your dog’s nose and slowly guide them in a circle, saying “spin” as you do so. Once they complete the spin, reward and praise them. Practice this trick in both directions to ensure your dog is comfortable spinning either way. As your Shih Tzu becomes more proficient, you can phase out the treat and rely on verbal cues and hand signals.
7. High Five
“High five” is a fun and engaging trick that highlights your Shih Tzu’s interactive nature. Start by having your dog sit. Hold a treat in one hand and gently lift their paw with the other, saying “high five” as you do so. When your dog lifts their paw to touch your hand, reward and praise them. Repeat this process, gradually encouraging your dog to lift their paw higher and hold it for longer. This trick not only entertains but also strengthens your dog’s paw-eye coordination.

8. Fetch
Teaching your Shih Tzu to “fetch” is a great way to combine physical exercise with mental stimulation. Start by choosing a toy your dog loves. Show the toy to your Shih Tzu and throw it a short distance. Encourage your dog to retrieve the toy and bring it back to you. Reward and praise them each time they successfully fetch and return the toy. Gradually increase the distance of the throw and practice regularly to reinforce the behavior.
9. Speak
“Speak” is an exciting trick that allows your Shih Tzu to vocalize on command. Start by observing when your dog naturally barks. Use a consistent command such as “speak” just before they bark, and immediately reward and praise them after they do. Repeat this process, gradually encouraging your Shih Tzu to bark on command without external stimuli. This trick not only adds to their skill set but also helps you manage their barking behavior.

10. Bow
“Bow” is an elegant trick that showcases your Shih Tzu’s grace and obedience. Start by having your dog stand. Hold a treat near their nose and slowly move it down towards the ground, encouraging them to lower their front legs while keeping their rear end up. As they assume the bowing position, say “bow” and reward and praise them. Practice this trick regularly to ensure your dog can perform it smoothly on command.
Conclusion: Building a Strong Bond Through Training
Teaching your Shih Tzu new tricks is a rewarding experience that strengthens your bond and keeps your dog mentally stimulated. Each trick not only showcases their intelligence but also enhances their obedience and responsiveness. Remember to keep training sessions short, positive, and consistent. Use treats, praise, and play as rewards to motivate and encourage your dog. With patience and dedication, you can teach your Shih Tzu these ten fun tricks, making this year an exciting and fulfilling time for both of you. Whether it’s mastering the basics like “sit” and “stay” or impressing with advanced tricks like “play dead” and “bow,” your Shih Tzu will enjoy the mental challenge and the quality time spent with you.