
Why Does My Shih Tzu Sleep With His Tongue Out?

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Ever wondered why your adorable Shih Tzu snoozes with their tongue sticking out? It’s a sight that’s both peculiar and endearing. But fear not, your furry friend isn’t the only one who does this. In fact, many Shih Tzus have a tendency to sleep with their tongues out. So, why does your Shih Tzu sleep with their tongue out? Let’s explore this intriguing canine behavior and uncover the reasons behind it.

One possible explanation for your Shih Tzu’s sleeping style is simple relaxation. Just like humans, dogs have different sleeping positions and habits. Some prefer to curl up into a ball, while others sprawl out with their limbs stretched in all directions. For Shih Tzus, the tongue-out sleep may just be their way of finding ultimate comfort. It could be a sign that they are completely at ease and letting go of any tension. Perhaps it’s their way of saying, “I’m so relaxed, I can’t even keep my tongue inside my mouth!” So, the next time you catch your Shih Tzu in this adorable pose, remember that they are simply embracing their inner Zen and enjoying a deep, peaceful slumber.

Why Does My Shih Tzu Sleep With His Tongue Out?

Why Does My Shih Tzu Sleep With His Tongue Out?

Shih Tzus are known for their adorable and sometimes quirky behaviors. One common behavior that many Shih Tzu owners have noticed is that their dogs sleep with their tongues out. It may seem strange or even concerning, but there are actually a few reasons why Shih Tzus sleep with their tongues out. In this article, we will explore the possible reasons behind this behavior and provide some insights into what it means for your furry friend.

1. Relaxation and Comfort

One possible reason why Shih Tzus sleep with their tongues out is that it simply indicates a state of relaxation and comfort. When dogs are in a deep sleep, their muscles relax, and their tongue may naturally fall out of their mouth. This is especially common in brachycephalic breeds like Shih Tzus, which have shorter snouts and may have difficulty keeping their tongues inside their mouths while sleeping. So, if you see your Shih Tzu sleeping with their tongue out, it may just mean that they are in a deep, peaceful slumber.

It’s important to note that as long as your Shih Tzu appears healthy and shows no other signs of distress, there is usually no need to worry about this behavior. However, if you notice any other unusual symptoms or changes in their sleeping patterns, it’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

2. Temperature Regulation

Another possible reason why Shih Tzus sleep with their tongues out is related to temperature regulation. Dogs cool themselves down by panting, and when they sleep with their tongues out, it helps them maintain a normal body temperature. By keeping their tongue exposed, they are able to release excess heat and prevent overheating. This behavior is particularly common in breeds like Shih Tzus that have a thicker coat and may be more prone to getting warm during sleep.

It’s important to ensure that your Shih Tzu has a comfortable sleeping environment with adequate ventilation and proper temperature control. This can help them regulate their body temperature more effectively and reduce the need to sleep with their tongues out. Providing a cool and well-ventilated sleeping area for your furry friend can make a big difference in their overall comfort and sleep quality.

How to Help Your Shih Tzu Sleep More Comfortably

If you notice that your Shih Tzu is frequently sleeping with their tongue out and you want to help them sleep more comfortably, here are a few tips:

  1. Ensure that their sleeping area is clean, comfortable, and well-ventilated.
  2. Provide a cooling mat or bed to help regulate their body temperature.
  3. Avoid exposing your Shih Tzu to extreme temperatures, whether it’s too hot or too cold.
  4. Keep them hydrated by providing fresh water throughout the day.
  5. Regularly groom their coat to prevent it from becoming too thick and uncomfortable during sleep.

By implementing these tips, you can create a more comfortable sleeping environment for your Shih Tzu and potentially reduce the frequency of them sleeping with their tongues out.

3. Breed-Specific Anatomy

Lastly, it’s important to consider the breed-specific anatomy of Shih Tzus when trying to understand why they sleep with their tongues out. Shih Tzus have a relatively short snout and a longer tongue compared to other breeds. This can make it more challenging for them to keep their tongues inside their mouths, especially when they are in a deep sleep. So, even though it may look a bit unusual, it’s actually a natural occurrence for Shih Tzus to sleep with their tongues out.

Understanding your Shih Tzu’s breed-specific traits and behaviors can help you appreciate their unique characteristics and quirks. It’s always fascinating to learn about the different traits that make each breed special and to embrace these qualities in our beloved furry companions.


In conclusion, if you find your Shih Tzu sleeping with their tongue out, it’s likely due to a combination of relaxation, temperature regulation, and their breed-specific anatomy. As long as your Shih Tzu appears healthy and shows no signs of distress, there is usually no cause for concern. However, if you have any worries or notice any other unusual symptoms, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian for further evaluation and guidance. Remember, every dog is unique, and their sleeping positions and behaviors can vary. Embrace the quirks of your Shih Tzu and enjoy the special bond you share!

Key Takeaways: Why Does My Shih Tzu Sleep With His Tongue Out?

  • Shih Tzus may sleep with their tongues out due to relaxation and comfort.
  • It could be a genetic trait in certain Shih Tzus.
  • Some Shih Tzus might sleep with their tongues out to regulate body temperature.
  • Excessive panting during sleep can be a sign of underlying health issues.
  • If your Shih Tzu’s tongue is frequently out during sleep, consult a veterinarian.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my Shih Tzu sleep with his tongue out?

Many Shih Tzu owners have observed their dogs sleeping with their tongues out, and it is actually quite common in this breed. There can be a few reasons why your Shih Tzu sleeps with his tongue out:

1. Relaxation: Sleeping with the tongue out is often a sign of deep relaxation. When dogs feel safe and comfortable in their environment, they may naturally let their tongue hang out while sleeping. It is a indication that your Shih Tzu is in a state of complete relaxation and contentment.

2. Dental Issues: Another possible reason for your Shih Tzu sleeping with his tongue out could be dental problems. If your dog has dental issues such as a misaligned jaw or missing teeth, it can cause the tongue to hang out during sleep. It may be worth visiting a veterinarian to check your Shih Tzu’s oral health.

Is it normal for Shih Tzus to sleep with their tongues out?

Yes, it is perfectly normal for Shih Tzus to sleep with their tongues out. Many Shih Tzus naturally sleep with their tongues sticking out, and it is not a cause for concern. As long as your Shih Tzu is otherwise healthy and not showing any signs of discomfort or distress, there is no need to worry.

It’s important to note that different dogs have different sleeping habits, and what may seem unusual to some owners is perfectly normal for certain breeds. Shih Tzus have a unique anatomy, including a short snout and a small mouth, which can contribute to their tongues hanging out during sleep.

Can sleeping with the tongue out be a sign of health issues in Shih Tzus?

In most cases, sleeping with the tongue out is not a sign of any health issues in Shih Tzus. However, there are some situations where it could indicate an underlying problem:

1. Respiratory Problems: Shih Tzus are brachycephalic breeds, which means they have a short snout and can be prone to respiratory issues. If your Shih Tzu is consistently sleeping with their tongue out and also displaying signs of difficulty breathing, such as snoring or wheezing, it may be a sign of a respiratory problem that requires veterinary attention.

2. Dental Issues: As mentioned earlier, dental problems can cause a Shih Tzu to sleep with their tongue out. If your dog exhibits signs of dental pain, such as difficulty eating or excessive drooling, it is advisable to consult with a veterinarian to address any underlying dental issues.

How can I help my Shih Tzu with dental problems?

If you suspect that your Shih Tzu has dental problems, there are several steps you can take to help improve their oral health:

1. Regular Brushing: Brushing your Shih Tzu’s teeth regularly with a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste can help prevent dental issues. Aim for at least two to three times a week to remove plaque and maintain good oral hygiene.

2. Professional Dental Cleaning: Schedule regular dental cleanings with your veterinarian. They can perform a thorough cleaning and address any dental problems your Shih Tzu may have.

3. Dental Chew Toys: Providing your Shih Tzu with appropriate dental chew toys can help keep their teeth clean and strong. Look for toys specifically designed to promote dental health, such as those with ridges or textures that help remove plaque.

What are some other common sleeping habits of Shih Tzus?

Shih Tzus have a variety of sleeping habits that are unique to their breed. Here are a few common ones:

1. Snoring: Due to their short snouts, Shih Tzus are prone to snoring while they sleep. This is generally harmless and is considered a normal part of their breathing pattern. However, if the snoring becomes excessive or is accompanied by other respiratory issues, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

2. Burrowing: Shih Tzus often like to burrow under blankets or pillows when they sleep. This behavior is instinctual, as it mimics the feeling of being in a den or safe space. Providing your Shih Tzu with a cozy blanket or bed can satisfy their burrowing instincts and help them feel secure while they sleep.

3. Stretching: Shih Tzus are known for their adorable stretches when they wake up from a nap. This is their way of getting their muscles moving and preparing for activity. It’s a cute and natural behavior that is indicative of a happy and healthy dog.

Why Does My Dog Stick The Tip Of His Tongue Out (Answered)

Final Thoughts: Why Does My Shih Tzu Sleep With His Tongue Out?

After exploring the curious phenomenon of Shih Tzus sleeping with their tongues out, we’ve uncovered some interesting insights. While it may seem odd or amusing to see your furry friend snoozing with their tongue hanging out, there are a few reasons why this happens.

Firstly, it’s important to note that every dog is unique, and their sleeping habits can vary. However, one possible explanation is that Shih Tzus have a relaxed and carefree nature, even when they’re catching some Zs. This relaxed state can cause their tongues to naturally protrude while they sleep. It’s like they’re so content and at ease that they forget to tuck their tongues back in. It’s an endearing quirk that showcases their laid-back personality.

Another factor that may contribute to this adorable sleeping style is their facial structure. Shih Tzus have a shortened snout and an underbite, which can affect the positioning of their tongues. Sometimes, their tongues simply don’t fit comfortably inside their mouths, especially when they’re in a deep slumber. So, they let their tongues hang out, not because they’re uncomfortable, but because it’s more comfortable for them.

In conclusion, if you notice your Shih Tzu sleeping with their tongue out, there’s no need to worry. It’s likely just a result of their relaxed nature and unique facial structure. Embrace this adorable quirk and cherish the moments when you catch your little companion in their tongue-out slumber. After all, it’s these small quirks that make our furry friends even more lovable and unique.


I am the owner of Shihtzuadvice.com and the proud parent of two black and one gold Shih Tzu's. I belive that the Shih Tzu is the best all-around dog for anyone and want to share with you as much valuable knowledge as possible about this great breed!

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