
Training Shih Tzu Puppies to Overcome Separation Anxiety

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Separation anxiety is a common issue among dogs, including Shih Tzu puppies, when they are left alone. It can lead to destructive behavior, excessive barking, and distress for both the pet and the owner.

Identifying Separation Anxiety in Shih Tzu Puppies

Shih Tzus are known for their affectionate nature and may become overly attached to their owners, making them prone to separation anxiety. Signs include excessive barking, destructive chewing, and house soiling when left alone.

Training Techniques for Separation Anxiety

Gradual desensitization, crate training, and positive reinforcement techniques can help alleviate separation anxiety in Shih Tzu puppies. Start by leaving the puppy alone for short periods and gradually increase the duration to build confidence and independence.

Creating a Safe Environment

Ensure your Shih Tzu puppy has a comfortable space with toys, treats, and familiar scents when left alone. Establishing a routine and providing mental and physical stimulation can also help reduce anxiety.

Seeking Professional Help

If your Shih Tzu puppy’s separation anxiety persists despite training efforts, consider consulting a professional dog trainer or veterinarian for additional guidance and support.


With patience, consistency, and proper training techniques, it is possible to help Shih Tzu puppies overcome separation anxiety and develop into well-adjusted and confident companions. Understanding their needs and providing a supportive environment is key to successful training.


Hey there! I've been with Shihtzuadvice.com for almost a year now, and as a pet lover with five rescued dogs and five rescued cats, I can confidently say that Shih Tzus are the ultimate companions – full of charm, loyalty, and endless love!

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