
Dealing with Shih Tzu Puppy Teething: Watch This Video for Tips!

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Are you a new owner of a Shih Tzu puppy?

Are you struggling with the challenges of teething?

Don't worry, this article is here to help you survive!

Teething is a tough time for both you and your puppy, but with the right knowledge and preparation, you can navigate through it smoothly.

From understanding the age and process of teething to managing discomfort and preventing destructive chewing, we've got you covered.

Get ready to ensure a happy and healthy journey for both you and your adorable Shih Tzu puppy!

Understanding the Teething Phase

You should carefully monitor your Shih Tzu puppy's chewing habits during the teething phase to prevent any unwanted damage. Understanding the teething timeline and symptoms is crucial for managing this challenging phase.

Shih Tzu puppies start teething at around 3 to 4 months and complete the process by 7 to 8 months. The teething process begins with the emergence of milk teeth at around 3 weeks, and by 6 or 7 weeks, all 28 deciduous teeth are fully grown. These milk teeth are replaced by 42 permanent adult teeth in a specific order: incisors, premolars, molars, and canines.

During teething, puppies experience itching, discomfort, and swelling of the gum tissue. Symptoms vary in intensity and location in the mouth. Front teeth are usually less painful than back teeth, especially molars. As the discomfort increases, puppies tend to chew on non-toy items and may nip at hands.

Managing Teething Discomfort

To alleviate your Shih Tzu puppy's teething discomfort, offer them a chilled teething toy for soothing their gums. Teething can be a challenging phase for both you and your puppy, but with the right remedies and a proper teething schedule, you can help them through this process.

It's important to understand that Shih Tzu puppies start teething at around 3 to 4 months and complete the process by 7 to 8 months. During this time, their milk teeth will fall out and be replaced by permanent adult teeth.

To manage the discomfort, provide your puppy with appropriate teething toys. Chilling the toy can provide additional relief by numbing the gums. Additionally, consider incorporating teething remedies such as frozen washcloths or specially designed teething treats.

Preventing Destructive Chewing

Sometimes, redirecting your Shih Tzu puppy's chewing behavior onto appropriate toys can help prevent destructive chewing.

During the teething phase, puppies experience challenges such as itching, discomfort, and swelling of gum tissue. It's important to provide supervision and guidance during this time to ensure that your puppy doesn't turn to destructive chewing.

Teething discomfort can increase over time, leading to intense chewing and a tendency to chew on non-toy items. To prevent this, it's crucial to supervise your puppy closely and remove temptations by keeping objects out of reach.

Additionally, providing effective teething toys can help soothe your puppy's discomfort and redirect their chewing behavior onto appropriate items.

Providing Effective Teething Toys

During the teething phase, it's important for your Shih Tzu puppy to have access to and be provided with effective teething toys for soothing their discomfort and redirecting their chewing behavior. Teething toy options are essential in ensuring your puppy's oral health and preventing destructive chewing on inappropriate items.

When selecting teething toys, consider the size, texture, and durability. Look for toys specifically designed for teething puppies, such as rubber or nylon chew toys. Avoid toys that are too small and could be a choking hazard.

It's also crucial to follow teething toy safety guidelines. Regularly inspect the toys for any signs of wear and tear, and replace them if needed. Always supervise your puppy while they're chewing on a teething toy to prevent any accidents.

Techniques for Handling Nipping and Biting

You can effectively address nipping and biting by consistently redirecting your Shih Tzu puppy's behavior and providing alternative chewing options. Teaching bite inhibition is crucial during this stage to prevent future problems.

When your puppy starts to nip or bite, calmly redirect their attention to a suitable toy or chew bone. This helps them understand that biting humans isn't acceptable, while still satisfying their natural urge to chew. It's important to be consistent and patient, as it may take time for your puppy to learn.

Additionally, provide a variety of safe and durable chewing options to keep their teeth and gums stimulated. This will help alleviate any discomfort they may be experiencing during the teething process.

Creating a Safe and Controlled Environment

To create a safe and controlled environment for your Shih Tzu puppy during the teething phase, provide them with appropriate teething toys and ensure that hazardous objects are kept out of reach.

The puppy teething schedule typically begins at 3 to 4 months and lasts until 7 to 8 months. During this time, your puppy may experience teething symptoms such as itching, discomfort, and swollen gums. To alleviate these symptoms, offer them teething remedies such as frozen washcloths, rubber toys, or dental chews.

It's important to monitor your puppy closely and discourage chewing on non-toy items by redirecting their attention to appropriate teething toys. Additionally, consider using a playpen to restrict access when you're unable to supervise closely.


In conclusion, navigating through your Shih Tzu puppy's teething phase doesn't have to be overwhelming. By understanding the age and process of teething, managing teething discomfort, preventing destructive chewing, providing effective teething toys, and implementing techniques for handling nipping and biting, you can ensure a smooth transition.

Creating a safe and controlled environment is also crucial. With the right knowledge and preparation, you can survive the teething phase and enjoy a happy and healthy journey with your adorable Shih Tzu puppy.


I am the owner of Shihtzuadvice.com and the proud parent of two black and one gold Shih Tzu's. I belive that the Shih Tzu is the best all-around dog for anyone and want to share with you as much valuable knowledge as possible about this great breed!

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