
How To Potty Train A 4 Year Old Shih Tzu?

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Ah, potty training – a task that can often leave even the most seasoned pet owners scratching their heads in frustration. But fear not, because today we’re diving into the world of potty training a 4-year-old Shih Tzu. Yes, you heard that right, it’s never too late to teach an old dog new tricks! So, grab your treats, put on your patience hat, and let’s embark on this potty training adventure together.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Potty training a 4-year-old Shih Tzu sounds like a daunting task. But trust me, with the right approach and a sprinkle of consistency, it can be done. In this article, we’ll explore some tried and true methods to help you navigate this journey with your furry friend. From establishing a routine to positive reinforcement techniques, we’ll cover it all. So, let’s get started and make potty training a breeze for both you and your beloved Shih Tzu!

How to Potty Train a 4 Year Old Shih Tzu?

How to Potty Train a 4 Year Old Shih Tzu?

Potty training a 4-year-old Shih Tzu can be a challenge, but with patience and consistency, it is definitely achievable. Whether you’ve just adopted a 4-year-old Shih Tzu or you’re dealing with an older dog who has never been fully potty trained, the key is to establish a routine and provide positive reinforcement. In this article, we will discuss effective methods and tips to successfully potty train your 4-year-old Shih Tzu.

Understanding the Basics of Potty Training

When it comes to potty training a 4-year-old Shih Tzu, it’s important to understand the basics. Start by designating a specific area in your home or yard where your dog will be encouraged to eliminate. This can be a pee pad, a litter box, or a specific spot outside. Consistency is key, so choose one method and stick with it throughout the training process.

Establishing a Routine

To successfully potty train your 4-year-old Shih Tzu, establish a consistent routine. Take your dog to the designated potty area first thing in the morning, after meals, and before bedtime. Use a command such as “go potty” or “do your business” to associate the action with the command. Be patient and give your dog plenty of time to eliminate. When your dog successfully goes in the designated area, offer praise and rewards to reinforce the behavior.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a crucial aspect of potty training. When your 4-year-old Shih Tzu successfully eliminates in the designated area, praise them enthusiastically and offer treats or a favorite toy as a reward. This positive association will encourage your dog to repeat the behavior in the future. Avoid scolding or punishing your dog for accidents, as this can create fear and hinder the training process.

Methods for Potty Training a 4 Year Old Shih Tzu

Now that you understand the basics, let’s explore some effective methods for potty training your 4-year-old Shih Tzu.

Crate Training

Crate training can be a useful tool for potty training a 4-year-old Shih Tzu. Dogs naturally avoid soiling their sleeping area, so by confining your dog to a crate when you can’t supervise them, you can prevent accidents and encourage them to hold their bladder. Make sure the crate is appropriately sized and comfortable for your dog, and gradually increase the amount of time they spend in it.

Leash Training

Leash training can help establish control and consistency during potty training. Attach a leash to your dog and accompany them to the designated potty area. Use the leash to guide them to the desired spot and give the command to eliminate. This method allows you to closely monitor your dog’s behavior and intervene if necessary. Remember to reward your dog for successfully going in the designated area.

Establishing a Schedule

Creating a potty training schedule can help regulate your dog’s bathroom habits. Take your 4-year-old Shih Tzu to the designated potty area at regular intervals throughout the day. This can be every two to three hours initially and gradually increase the time between potty breaks as your dog becomes more reliable. Consistency is key in establishing a routine that your dog can understand and follow.

Tips for Successful Potty Training

In addition to the methods mentioned above, here are some additional tips to ensure successful potty training for your 4-year-old Shih Tzu:

Patience and Consistency

Potty training takes time and patience. Be consistent with your approach and routine, and don’t get discouraged by setbacks or accidents. Consistency is key to reinforcing the desired behavior and helping your dog understand what is expected of them.


Supervising your dog is crucial during the potty training process. Keep a close eye on them and intervene if you notice signs that they need to eliminate. This can include sniffing the ground, circling, or whining. By catching these signs early, you can redirect your dog to the designated potty area.

Accident Cleanup

Accidents may happen during the potty training process. It’s important to clean up accidents promptly and thoroughly to remove any lingering odors that may attract your dog to eliminate in the same spot again. Use an enzymatic cleaner specifically designed for pet messes to eliminate odors effectively.

Be Realistic

It’s important to have realistic expectations when potty training a 4-year-old Shih Tzu. Older dogs may take longer to learn new behaviors, so be patient and understanding. Celebrate small victories along the way and remember that consistency and positive reinforcement are key to success.

In conclusion, potty training a 4-year-old Shih Tzu requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. By establishing a routine, using positive reinforcement, and implementing effective training methods such as crate training and leash training, you can successfully potty train your 4-year-old Shih Tzu. Remember to be patient, consistent, and understanding throughout the process, and celebrate each step towards success. With time and dedication, your Shih Tzu will become a potty-trained and well-behaved member of your family.

Key Takeaways: How to Potty Train a 4 Year Old Shih Tzu?

  • Consistency is key when potty training a 4 year old Shih Tzu.
  • Establish a routine for your Shih Tzu’s bathroom breaks.
  • Use positive reinforcement and rewards to encourage good behavior.
  • Patience and understanding are crucial during the potty training process.
  • Accidents may happen, but it’s important to remain calm and continue training.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the steps to potty train a 4-year-old Shih Tzu?

When it comes to potty training a 4-year-old Shih Tzu, consistency and patience are key. Follow these steps to help your furry friend learn where to do their business:

1. Establish a routine: Take your Shih Tzu outside to the designated potty area at regular intervals, such as after meals and naps.

2. Use positive reinforcement: Reward your Shih Tzu with treats and praise when they successfully potty outside. This positive reinforcement will help them understand what is expected of them.

3. Supervise closely: Keep a close eye on your Shih Tzu when they are indoors to prevent accidents. If you notice any signs that they need to go, quickly take them outside.

4. Clean up accidents properly: Use an enzymatic cleaner to thoroughly clean any indoor accidents. This will help remove the scent and discourage your Shih Tzu from using that spot again.

2. How long does it take to potty train a 4-year-old Shih Tzu?

The time it takes to potty train a 4-year-old Shih Tzu can vary depending on the individual dog and their previous training experiences. It may take a few weeks or even a couple of months for your Shih Tzu to fully understand where they should go potty. Consistency and positive reinforcement are key during this process.

Be patient with your Shih Tzu and continue to follow the training steps. With time and practice, they will develop good potty habits.

3. What are some signs that my 4-year-old Shih Tzu needs to go potty?

It’s important to be able to recognize the signs that your 4-year-old Shih Tzu needs to go potty. Look out for the following indicators:

1. Restlessness or pacing: If your Shih Tzu is suddenly restless and pacing around, it could be a sign that they need to go potty.

2. Sniffing and circling: Shih Tzus often exhibit sniffing and circling behaviors when they need to relieve themselves.

3. Whining or scratching at the door: If your Shih Tzu is whining or scratching at the door, it may be their way of letting you know they need to go outside.

By paying attention to these signs, you can quickly respond and take your Shih Tzu to their designated potty area, helping them establish good habits.

4. What should I do if my 4-year-old Shih Tzu has an accident indoors?

If your 4-year-old Shih Tzu has an accident indoors, it’s important to respond appropriately to prevent future accidents. Here’s what you can do:

1. Stay calm: Getting upset or scolding your Shih Tzu will not help in this situation. Stay calm and focus on correcting the behavior.

2. Clean up promptly: Use an enzymatic cleaner to thoroughly clean the accident area. This will help remove the scent and discourage your Shih Tzu from using that spot again.

3. Revisit the training: Assess if there were any lapses in the training routine or if any changes might have caused the accident. Reinforce the training steps and continue to be consistent.

Remember, accidents are a normal part of the potty training process, and with patience and consistency, your Shih Tzu will learn.

5. Can I potty train a 4-year-old Shih Tzu who has never been trained before?

Yes, it is possible to potty train a 4-year-old Shih Tzu who has never been trained before. While it may take a bit more time and effort compared to training a younger dog, it is not impossible.

Follow the same training steps mentioned earlier and be patient with your Shih Tzu. Remember to use positive reinforcement and establish a consistent routine. With time and practice, your Shih Tzu can learn where to go potty and develop good habits.

Final Thoughts on Potty Training a 4 Year Old Shih Tzu

So, there you have it – a comprehensive guide on how to potty train a 4-year-old Shih Tzu. It may seem like a daunting task, but with patience, consistency, and a little bit of creativity, you can successfully teach your furry friend to do their business in the right place. Remember, every dog is unique, so it’s important to tailor your approach to suit your Shih Tzu’s personality and needs.

Throughout the training process, make sure to reinforce positive behaviors and provide plenty of praise and rewards. Consistency is key, so stick to a routine and be patient. Accidents may happen along the way, but don’t get discouraged. With time and effort, your Shih Tzu will become a pro at potty training.

By following these tips and tricks, you’ll not only have a well-trained dog, but you’ll also strengthen the bond between you and your furry companion. So, get ready to embark on this potty training journey with your 4-year-old Shih Tzu and enjoy the satisfaction of seeing them master this important skill. Good luck!

Remember, even though potty training can be a challenge, it’s an essential part of responsible pet ownership. By implementing the techniques outlined in this guide, you’ll be setting your Shih Tzu up for success and creating a harmonious environment for both of you. So, roll up your sleeves, grab some treats, and get ready to conquer the potty training process with your four-legged friend. Your Shih Tzu will thank you, and you’ll have a happy, well-trained companion by your side for years to come.


I am the owner of Shihtzuadvice.com and the proud parent of two black and one gold Shih Tzu's. I belive that the Shih Tzu is the best all-around dog for anyone and want to share with you as much valuable knowledge as possible about this great breed!

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