
What to Expect During Your Shih Tzu’s First Professional Grooming Session

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Taking your Shih Tzu for their first professional grooming session can be an exciting yet nerve-wracking experience. Whether you’re new to owning a Shih Tzu or this is your puppy’s first time at the groomer, it’s essential to know what to expect during the process. Grooming is crucial to maintaining your Shih Tzu’s health and appearance, as their long, flowing coats require regular care. In this blog post, we’ll cover what happens during a professional grooming session, how to prepare your Shih Tzu, and what you can do to make the experience smooth and stress-free for both you and your pup.

Why Grooming is Essential for Shih Tzus

Regular grooming is an essential part of Shih Tzu care. This breed’s coat is long, dense, and prone to tangles and mats if not properly maintained. Professional grooming helps keep their coat healthy, clean, and free of mats, which can lead to skin irritation and infections if left untreated. Additionally, grooming sessions provide an opportunity to check for signs of skin conditions, parasites, and other health issues. A well-groomed Shih Tzu not only looks beautiful but also feels more comfortable, as long hair can trap dirt, debris, and moisture that can cause discomfort. Grooming also promotes the even distribution of natural oils throughout the coat, keeping it shiny and soft. While at-home grooming is necessary, professional groomers have the skills, experience, and tools to provide a deeper level of care that is difficult to achieve on your own.

Preparing Your Shih Tzu for Their First Grooming Session

Preparing your Shih Tzu for their first grooming session is key to ensuring a positive experience. If your Shih Tzu has never been groomed before, they may be anxious or uncertain about the process. Start by introducing grooming-related activities at home, such as brushing, handling their paws, and touching their face and ears. This will help them become accustomed to being touched in areas that the groomer will work on. Familiarize your Shih Tzu with the sound of clippers or hairdryers by playing these sounds softly in the background while rewarding them with treats and praise. This desensitization can help reduce anxiety during the actual grooming session. It’s also a good idea to take your Shih Tzu for a walk or engage in play before their appointment, as this can help burn off excess energy and make them calmer. Ensure that your pup is up to date on vaccinations, as most groomers require proof of this to prevent the spread of illnesses.

What Happens During the Initial Consultation

When you arrive at the grooming salon, the first step is usually an initial consultation with the groomer. During this consultation, the groomer will ask questions about your Shih Tzu’s coat condition, temperament, and any specific grooming preferences you have. This is the time to mention any areas of concern, such as mats or sensitive spots that your Shih Tzu may have. The groomer will also assess your dog’s coat to determine the best approach for grooming. If your Shih Tzu is nervous or stressed, the groomer may take a gentle approach to help them feel more comfortable. Communication during this consultation is crucial to ensuring that you and the groomer are on the same page regarding your Shih Tzu’s grooming needs. This is also a good opportunity to ask questions about the grooming process and any specific products or tools that will be used.

The Bathing Process

The first step in most professional grooming sessions is a thorough bath. Shih Tzus, with their long coats, can accumulate dirt, debris, and oils that need to be washed away regularly. The groomer will use a gentle, dog-specific shampoo to clean your Shih Tzu’s coat while ensuring it doesn’t strip away natural oils that are essential for coat health. Some groomers may use special shampoos for specific skin conditions or coat types, so let your groomer know if your dog has sensitive skin or allergies. The groomer will also clean your Shih Tzu’s ears during the bath, removing wax and debris that can contribute to infections. After the bath, a conditioner may be applied to help detangle the coat and make brushing easier. Once your Shih Tzu is clean, they will be carefully towel-dried or blow-dried with a pet-safe dryer. It’s important that they are fully dry before proceeding to the next stage of grooming, as a wet coat is more prone to matting.

Brushing and Detangling

After the bath, your groomer will begin brushing and detangling your Shih Tzu’s coat. This step is crucial for removing loose hair, preventing mats, and keeping the coat smooth and tangle-free. Using a combination of slicker brushes, combs, and dematting tools, the groomer will carefully work through the coat to ensure there are no knots or tangles left behind. For Shih Tzus with longer coats, this process can take some time, especially if the coat is prone to matting. If mats are found, the groomer will carefully work them out using detangling sprays or, in some cases, clip them out if they are too severe. Regular brushing at home can minimize the time spent on detangling during grooming sessions. Brushing also stimulates the skin and promotes healthy blood flow, which contributes to a healthier, shinier coat. If your Shih Tzu has a shorter haircut, brushing may take less time, but it’s still an essential part of the grooming process.

Haircut and Styling

One of the main components of a professional grooming session for Shih Tzus is the haircut and styling. Shih Tzus are known for their long, flowing coats, but many owners opt for shorter styles that are easier to maintain. During the haircut, the groomer will trim your Shih Tzu’s coat according to your preferences and the dog’s lifestyle. Popular cuts for Shih Tzus include the “puppy cut,” which leaves the coat short and manageable, and the “teddy bear cut,” which maintains a rounded, fluffy appearance. If you prefer a longer coat, the groomer will still trim any uneven ends and shape the coat to ensure it looks neat and polished. The groomer will also trim the hair around your Shih Tzu’s face, ears, and paws, paying special attention to areas that may need more detailed work. For a more refined look, the groomer may also trim the hair around the eyes to prevent it from obstructing vision. Regular haircuts keep your Shih Tzu comfortable and help maintain their distinctive look.

Nail Trimming and Paw Care

In addition to coat care, a professional grooming session will typically include nail trimming and paw care. Long nails can be uncomfortable for your Shih Tzu and may cause issues with walking or even lead to injury. The groomer will carefully trim your Shih Tzu’s nails to a safe length, making sure not to cut the quick, which can cause pain and bleeding. If your Shih Tzu’s nails are particularly long, it may take several grooming sessions to gradually trim them back to an appropriate length. The groomer will also check the paw pads for any signs of irritation, dryness, or cracking. If needed, a moisturizing balm can be applied to keep the paw pads soft and healthy. Proper nail trimming and paw care are essential to maintaining your Shih Tzu’s comfort and mobility, especially for active dogs who spend a lot of time walking or playing outdoors.

Ear Cleaning and Maintenance

Ear cleaning is another important part of the grooming process, as Shih Tzus are prone to ear infections due to the shape of their ears. The groomer will carefully clean the inside of your Shih Tzu’s ears using a gentle ear-cleaning solution and cotton pads. This helps remove any dirt, wax, and debris that can accumulate and cause discomfort or infection. If your Shih Tzu has excessive hair inside their ears, the groomer may also trim or pluck the hair to improve airflow and reduce the risk of infection. It’s important to check your Shih Tzu’s ears regularly at home and clean them as needed to prevent issues between grooming sessions. Groomers are trained to spot early signs of ear infections, such as redness, swelling, or an unusual odor, and they may recommend visiting a vet if they notice any issues. Regular ear maintenance is essential for keeping your Shih Tzu’s ears healthy and free of infection.

Teeth Brushing and Oral Care

While not always included in standard grooming packages, many professional groomers offer teeth brushing and oral care services for dogs. Dental health is often overlooked, but it’s a crucial aspect of your Shih Tzu’s overall well-being. During the grooming session, the groomer may use a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste to clean your Shih Tzu’s teeth, removing plaque and tartar buildup. Regular teeth brushing helps prevent dental disease, which can lead to bad breath, tooth loss, and even systemic health issues. Some groomers may also offer additional oral care services, such as using dental sprays or gels to maintain oral hygiene between brushing. If teeth brushing is not part of your dog’s grooming session, it’s recommended to incorporate it into your at-home care routine to keep your Shih Tzu’s teeth and gums healthy. Regular dental care contributes to a longer, healthier life for your Shih Tzu.

Managing Grooming Anxiety in Your Shih Tzu

For some Shih Tzus, the grooming experience can be a source of anxiety, especially during the first few sessions. It’s not uncommon for dogs to feel nervous or stressed when exposed to new environments, unfamiliar people, and the sounds of grooming equipment. If your Shih Tzu shows signs of anxiety, such as panting, trembling, or excessive whining, it’s important to take steps to make the experience more comfortable for them. Some groomers are trained to handle anxious dogs and may offer calming techniques, such as using soothing music, gentle handling, and providing breaks during the grooming process. It may also help to bring along a favorite toy or blanket that has your scent, as this can provide a sense of familiarity and comfort. Over time, with positive reinforcement and patience, your Shih Tzu may become more accustomed to the grooming routine and feel less anxious. If your dog’s anxiety persists, consider talking to your vet or a professional dog trainer for advice on managing grooming-related stress.

Post-Grooming Care and What to Expect

After your Shih Tzu’s first grooming session, they will likely look and feel great, but it’s important to know what to expect in the hours and days following the appointment. Your dog may feel a bit tired or overstimulated after spending time at the grooming salon, so it’s a good idea to allow them to rest and relax at home. Some Shih Tzus may experience minor skin irritation from the grooming products or clippers, especially if they have sensitive skin. If you notice any redness, itching, or discomfort, consult your groomer or vet for advice on how to soothe the skin. Keeping up with regular at-home grooming, such as brushing and teeth cleaning, can help maintain the results of the professional grooming session and prevent future issues. It’s also essential to schedule regular grooming appointments based on your Shih Tzu’s coat type and needs. Depending on the length of their coat and your personal preferences, grooming sessions may be needed every 4-6 weeks. Staying consistent with professional grooming ensures that your Shih Tzu’s coat remains healthy, clean, and free of mats.

Building a Positive Relationship with Your Groomer

One of the best ways to ensure a positive grooming experience for your Shih Tzu is to build a strong, trusting relationship with your groomer. Regular communication and feedback can help the groomer understand your Shih Tzu’s specific needs and preferences, ensuring that each session is tailored to your dog’s comfort. If you’re satisfied with the grooming results, don’t hesitate to express your appreciation, as groomers work hard to keep your pet looking and feeling their best. On the other hand, if there’s something you’re not happy with, let the groomer know in a respectful and constructive way. Over time, as your Shih Tzu becomes more familiar with the groomer and the salon, they may start to look forward to their grooming sessions, seeing them as a positive experience. Establishing a routine with the same groomer can also help reduce your dog’s anxiety and make each visit smoother. A professional groomer who understands your dog’s unique needs is an invaluable partner in maintaining their health and well-being.


Your Shih Tzu’s first professional grooming session is a significant milestone in their care routine. While it may seem daunting at first, knowing what to expect and how to prepare can make the experience smoother for both you and your pup. Professional grooming plays a vital role in maintaining your Shih Tzu’s coat health, comfort, and appearance, and with the right preparation and communication, the process can be enjoyable and stress-free. Regular grooming not only keeps your Shih Tzu looking their best but also supports their overall well-being. By working with a skilled groomer and staying consistent with grooming appointments, you’re ensuring that your Shih Tzu remains happy, healthy, and beautiful for years to come.


Hey there! I've been with Shihtzuadvice.com for almost a year now, and as a pet lover with five rescued dogs and five rescued cats, I can confidently say that Shih Tzus are the ultimate companions – full of charm, loyalty, and endless love!

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