
Shih Tzu Flea Issues | How To Fix Them?

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Shih Tzus are extremely simple to look after. They have a fairly normal dietary routine and require your attention to meet their basic needs. One of the prime aspects that a dog owner has to look after is the health and hygiene of the Shih Tzu.

Bad hygiene can lead to multiple issues for the tiny dog. Fleas can be a lot of trouble for the Shih Tzu and make them miserable. Furthermore, they tend to spread quite rapidly among the animal.

In this piece of literature, we will discuss everything you should know about fleas in dogs and how to remedy the situation. We will also deliberate on how to kill these fleas at various stages with effective remedies.

Why Does Shih Tzus Get Fleas?

Flea allergy dermatitis is quite common in the Shih Tzu breed. It is due to the luxurious coat that the dog possesses covering their bodies. It makes it a comfortable home for fleas.

Certain factors inside every house could trigger this allergy in the dog. Some of these contact allergy points include the following:

  • Dust mites
  • Cleaning products
  • Plastics and
  • Shampoos

A Shih Tzu catches fleas by coming into contact with the different substances in their surroundings. Fleas can also spread quite quickly between animals when dogs come into close contact with other animals, such as cats, and wild animals, like raccoons.

A few surfaces carpeting, bedding, etc., and outdoorsy places in cool shaded areas can also pass on fleas to your dog. It is because fleas tend to stay alive for up to 4 days without a host.

Fleas have the capability of jumping up, and they have the ability to move several feet across! It means Shih Tzus will not even need to come into immediate contact with fleas to catch them.

When the flea lands on a dog’s body, it will continue to accumulate rather fast. The adult, a mature flea can lay almost 50 or more eggs in a day. What this means is that a single flea can manage to build a population of thousands in a time span of a month.

As fleas are so productive, it should not be surprising for dog owners when their Shih Tzus become victims of a flea infestation without proper care. It is an eye-opener for caregivers to use flea repellent religiously on their Shih Tzu.

These pests eventually manage to figure out how to make their way to your tiny puppy’s body and make a home there.

Particular aspects in the external environment could trigger flea allergy dermatitis in your dog. Some of these things that Shih Tzus tend to react to are:

  • Grass
  • Pollen, and
  • Lawn products

Signs Of Fleas On Your Shih Tzu

You may have often come across those comical drawings depicting fleas as tiny sects circling around a dog. However, that is entirely fictional. You may never see them in actuality at all.

As the main diet of the fleas will be the blood of animals, they will naturally burrow deep inside the coat of your Shih Tzu, nearer to the Skin. If you suspect that your Shih Tzu might have fleas, there are a few telltale signs that will help you confirm your suspicion.

The signs you will want to look out for are:

Intense Itching

Just a single flea that has become an adult can bite up to 400 times in a day! These bites in themselves are supremely itchy for the dog. If the dog is allergic to the flea’s saliva, it will make the circumstances immensely worse.

Many dogs who get fleas end up becoming so frustrated with the itchiness they fall into a frenzy. They end up scratching and pawing at their bodies.

A point to note is that this trait may be concentrated on any one area, such as the ears. A Shih Tzu, in particular, might rub its body to align various surfaces and it may begin shaking their heads.

Irritated Skin Or localized Hair Loss

The consistent itchiness, which ultimately leads to scratching, chewing and rubbing, etc., actually wears down certain areas of the dog’s body.

The common skin issues that may arise include inflammation and damaged hair follicles. They become sore and then result in localized hair loss.

Black Specks

When you scrutinize the situation closely, you might see black specks on the coat or Skin of your little Shih Tzu. They will be particularly visible with the hair parted. These specks may be the size of a tip of a pencil. These aren’t the actual fleas but their droppings.

Treating Fleas In Shih Tzus

Many signs indicate a flea infestation, which is your Shih Tzu. If you see tiny white flecks on the coat or the bedding where the dog rests, these are probably the fleas’ eggs.

You may be able to see the fleas themselves if you look really close. However, your timings matter here as they are quick to scurry away. They hide really fastly in between the hair and tend to jump out of the way. When seeing these fleas is so difficult, finding them and treating them can become quite an obstacle.

When trying to deal with the flea situation in your Shih Tzu, it is vital to make sure you get rid of each one; You have to thoroughly perform the job so that there is no flea left behind from any stage of life. From eggs to adults, you will have to eradicate them all.

Furthermore, this has to be done from the body of your Shih Tzu and every surface of your house. It is because there is a possible one adult left behind a single egg unhatched, which will spiral into another invasion of fleas.

There are multiple ways to keep fleas away from your Shih Tzu and save them from the hassle of being their victim. When treating your dog from fleas, be critically wary of chemical sprays, foams, or dips. These can end up doing more harm than good and might contain specifically severe and risky pesticides.

Protecting Your Shih Tzu From Fleas

In case there are a substantial amount of fleas in the house and you have carpeting, there is a way of finding proof of their existence. You can slide your feet across the carpet’s surface by slipping on clean white socks.

If you then see mini pinpoint red dots there, it is an indication of blood from the fleas that had been killed. Sometimes, taking a few white paper towels and pressing them down on the carpets also works.

Although you cannot completely disprove the theory of having fleas in the house if this technique does not show red dots.

Make sure that you give your Shih Tzu regular baths and keep them clean. Additionally, make it a habit to comb and part their hair with a fine-tooth comb and perform regular checks.

When you have dealt with a flea infestation once, you never want to go through that experience again. You are bound to do anything to prevent that circumstance from happening again. Prevention is better than a reaction.

By taking some precautions, you will not only be saving your Shih Tzu from a whole lot of trouble and pain. You will also manage to circumvent the immense amount of labor and stress involved with taking care of the fleas after they have multiplied.

How To Take Fleas Off Of A Shih Tzu?

How To Take Fleas Off Of A Shih Tzu?

Here are the series of steps that you can follow to be successful in ridding your Shih Tzu of these insects.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

The first thing that you will require is a no-chemical, all-natural flea treatment.

It has to be one that deals with the issue effectively, like the Vet’s Best Flea and Tick Spray for Dogs and Home.

Secondly, you will require a flea comb. This comb should have a double row of teeth.

A recommended one in the market is the Safari Flea Comb.

You will also require a talk glass, bowl, or any other container.

It has to be nig enough to allow for dipping the comb into it. You will have to prepare a mixture of soap and water in there. Lastly, you will need a small towel, a paper towel, or a small washcloth.

Step 2: Remove The Fleas

Start by spraying the body of the Shih Tzu entirely. Then use the washcloth to cover your face as you get near the animal’s head.

You might see fleas falling off as they die from the spray. Then you have to work on the body of the Shih Tzu section Weise.

The best way is to begin at the head and then move downwards. The flea comb will help guide you through the hair of the Shih Tzu. You have to do this 3 days in a row while cleaning your house of fleas as well.

Step 3: Rid The House Of Fleas

Refrain from assuming your house is clear because you cannot see any fleas. The fastest and safest method of getting rid of them from your home is to vacuum each reachable area.

Make sure to get rid of each vacuum bag after every sweep. Wash each washable and spray on every surface. You can always be careful in the process.

Concluding Remarks

If you fail to protect your dog or puppy, it can become immensely easy for dogs to catch fleas. The infestation of fleas can create havoc in your Shih Tzu’s life. If these tiny insects manage to make a home in your Shih Tzus bodies, they take hold and start feeding from the animal.

Fleas actually multiply very swiftly, and they fall into a pattern of blood-feeding frenzy. It can create severe itching on the Shih Tzu’s Skin. The intensity of it can become extremely difficult for the dog to live with.

As a dog owner, if you are not careful, these fleas can spread throughout the vicinity of your home in a blink of an eye. You can see every single flea that is hurting your dog, even though there will be hundreds of them on the dog. It makes it a little challenging to diagnose this.

The prime method to detect this tricky issue in your dog’s body is to do your research on the symptoms and look out for them. It will make the entire endeavor of keeping your Shih Tzu happy and safe smooth.

The only way to completely eradicate the flea issue from your home is to remove them from any surface inside and take caution when coming into contact with animals outside.

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I am the owner of Shihtzuadvice.com and the proud parent of two black and one gold Shih Tzu's. I belive that the Shih Tzu is the best all-around dog for anyone and want to share with you as much valuable knowledge as possible about this great breed!

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