
How To Train Separation Anxiety Shih Tzu?

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Having a Shih Tzu is like having a little ball of love and joy in your life. These adorable little dogs bring so much happiness with their cute faces and playful antics. However, just like any other breed, Shih Tzus can sometimes struggle with separation anxiety. If you’ve ever come home to find your furry friend has chewed up your favorite shoes or left little surprises on the carpet, you know how frustrating it can be. But fear not! In this article, we’ll explore some effective techniques and strategies on how to train separation anxiety in Shih Tzu dogs, so you can have peace of mind and a well-behaved pet.

Separation anxiety in Shih Tzus can manifest in various ways, such as excessive barking, destructive behavior, or even self-harm. It’s important to understand that this behavior is not a result of your dog being “bad” or misbehaving on purpose. Rather, it’s a sign that they’re feeling stressed and anxious when left alone. The good news is that with patience, consistency, and a little bit of training, you can help your Shih Tzu overcome their separation anxiety and feel more comfortable when you’re not around. So, let’s dive into the world of training and find out how to make your Shih Tzu feel secure and content even when they’re home alone.

How to Train Separation Anxiety Shih Tzu?

How to Train Separation Anxiety Shih Tzu: A Guide to Help Your Dog Feel Secure

Separation anxiety is a common issue faced by many dog owners, and Shih Tzus are no exception. These lovable and affectionate dogs can become stressed and anxious when left alone, leading to destructive behaviors and excessive barking. As a responsible pet owner, it’s essential to address separation anxiety in your Shih Tzu and help them feel secure and calm when you’re not around.

Understanding Separation Anxiety in Shih Tzus

Separation anxiety in Shih Tzus is a behavioral problem that occurs when they become distressed and anxious due to separation from their owners. This can happen when you leave the house or even when you’re in a different room. Common signs of separation anxiety in Shih Tzus include excessive barking, destructive chewing, urinating or defecating indoors, scratching at doors or windows, and showing signs of distress when you’re about to leave.

It’s important to note that separation anxiety is different from general boredom or mild discomfort when left alone. Dogs with separation anxiety experience intense distress, which can be challenging for both the dog and the owner. Fortunately, with patience, consistency, and the right training techniques, you can help your Shih Tzu overcome separation anxiety and feel more secure during your absences.

Creating a Safe and Comfortable Environment

One of the first steps in training a Shih Tzu with separation anxiety is to create a safe and comfortable environment for them. This includes providing a designated space where they can retreat and feel secure when you’re not around. Set up a cozy crate or a comfortable area with their bed, toys, and familiar scents. Make sure the area is well-ventilated, and consider leaving a piece of clothing with your scent to provide comfort and reassurance.

Additionally, establish a consistent daily routine for your Shih Tzu. Dogs thrive on routine, and having a predictable schedule can help reduce anxiety. Stick to regular feeding times, exercise routines, and potty breaks. By providing structure and stability, you can help your Shih Tzu feel more secure and less anxious when you’re not there.

Positive Reinforcement Training

Positive reinforcement training is an effective approach to address separation anxiety in Shih Tzus. This training method involves rewarding your dog for desired behaviors and ignoring or redirecting unwanted behaviors. The key is to associate positive experiences with being alone and gradually increase the duration of your absences.

Start by leaving your Shih Tzu alone for short periods, such as a few minutes, and gradually increase the time as they become more comfortable. Before leaving, provide them with a special treat or puzzle toy to keep them occupied and engaged. When you return, reward them with praise and treats for calm behavior. This helps your Shih Tzu associate your departures with positive experiences and reduces their anxiety.

Desensitization and Counterconditioning

Desensitization and counterconditioning are techniques commonly used to help dogs overcome anxiety and fear. The goal is to gradually expose your Shih Tzu to the triggers that cause their separation anxiety, such as picking up your keys or putting on your shoes, without actually leaving the house. This helps your dog learn that these triggers do not always lead to your departure.

Start by performing these actions in a calm and relaxed manner, without any intention of leaving. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of these activities while providing positive reinforcement, such as treats or praise, to create positive associations. Over time, your Shih Tzu will become desensitized to these triggers, reducing their anxiety and fear of being left alone.

Beyond Training: Additional Strategies to Help Your Shih Tzu

While training techniques are essential for addressing separation anxiety in Shih Tzus, there are also other strategies you can implement to support your dog’s well-being:

  • Provide mental and physical stimulation through interactive toys, puzzle games, and regular exercise to help tire out your Shih Tzu and alleviate anxiety.
  • Consider using calming aids, such as pheromone diffusers or anxiety wraps, to create a more relaxing environment for your dog.
  • Seek professional help if your Shih Tzu’s separation anxiety persists or worsens despite consistent training efforts. A qualified dog trainer or veterinary behaviorist can provide specialized guidance and support.
  • Be patient and understanding. Overcoming separation anxiety takes time and dedication. Remember to remain calm and consistent in your training approach.


Training a Shih Tzu with separation anxiety requires patience, consistency, and a compassionate approach. By creating a safe environment, using positive reinforcement training, and implementing desensitization techniques, you can help your Shih Tzu overcome their anxiety and feel more secure when you’re not around. Remember to provide mental and physical stimulation, use calming aids if necessary, and seek professional help if needed. With your love and support, your Shih Tzu can learn to feel more at ease and enjoy their alone time.

Key Takeaways: How to Train Separation Anxiety Shih Tzu?

  • Start by gradually increasing the time spent apart from your Shih Tzu to help them adjust.
  • Provide them with interactive toys and puzzles to keep them entertained while you’re away.
  • Create a safe and comfortable space for your Shih Tzu to retreat to when they feel anxious.
  • Use positive reinforcement and rewards to encourage calm behavior when you leave and return.
  • Consider seeking professional help from a dog trainer or behaviorist for severe separation anxiety cases.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do Shih Tzus experience separation anxiety?

Separation anxiety in Shih Tzus can be caused by a variety of factors. These dogs are known for their strong attachment to their owners, and when they are left alone for extended periods of time, they may feel anxious and stressed. Additionally, changes in their routine or environment, such as moving to a new home or the loss of a family member, can trigger separation anxiety. It’s important to understand that separation anxiety is a behavioral issue and not a reflection of your Shih Tzu’s love for you.

To address separation anxiety in Shih Tzus, it’s crucial to provide them with proper training and support. Building a consistent routine, gradually increasing the time spent apart, and creating a safe and comfortable environment for your dog can help alleviate their anxiety. Additionally, providing mental and physical stimulation through interactive toys and regular exercise can keep them occupied and reduce their anxiety levels.

How can I help my Shih Tzu overcome separation anxiety?

Helping your Shih Tzu overcome separation anxiety requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Start by gradually increasing the time you spend away from your dog, starting with short periods and gradually building up. During these practice sessions, ensure your dog has access to their favorite toys, treats, and a comfortable space to relax.

When leaving and returning home, keep your interactions calm and low-key to avoid reinforcing anxious behavior. It can also be helpful to create a positive association with your departure by giving your Shih Tzu a special treat or toy that they only receive when you’re away. Consider using calming aids, such as pheromone diffusers or anxiety wraps, to help your dog feel more relaxed in your absence. If the anxiety persists, consult with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist for further guidance.

Are there any training techniques specifically for Shih Tzus with separation anxiety?

While training techniques for separation anxiety can vary depending on the individual dog, there are some strategies that can be effective for Shih Tzus. One technique is desensitization, which involves gradually exposing your dog to the triggers of their anxiety in a controlled and positive way. This could include practicing departures and arrivals, and gradually increasing the duration of your absence.

Another technique is counter-conditioning, which involves changing your dog’s emotional response to being alone. This can be done by associating your departures with positive experiences, such as giving them a special treat or engaging them with a puzzle toy. It’s important to note that these techniques require consistency and patience, and it may take time for your Shih Tzu to overcome their separation anxiety.

Should I consider medication for my Shih Tzu’s separation anxiety?

Medication should be considered as a last resort for treating separation anxiety in Shih Tzus. It’s always best to first try behavioral modification techniques and consult with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. However, in some cases, medication may be necessary to help your dog manage their anxiety.

If your Shih Tzu’s separation anxiety is severe and significantly impacting their quality of life, your veterinarian may prescribe anti-anxiety medication. These medications can help reduce your dog’s anxiety levels and make it easier for them to cope with being alone. It’s important to work closely with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate medication and dosage for your Shih Tzu, as well as monitor their progress and any potential side effects.

Can hiring a dog sitter or using daycare help with separation anxiety?

Hiring a dog sitter or utilizing daycare services can be beneficial in managing separation anxiety in Shih Tzus. Having a trusted person or a familiar environment can help alleviate your dog’s anxiety when you’re away. A dog sitter can provide companionship, exercise, and mental stimulation, reducing the stress and loneliness your Shih Tzu may experience.

Daycare services can also be a great option for socializing your Shih Tzu and providing them with a stimulating environment during the day. However, it’s important to ensure that the dog sitter or daycare facility understands your dog’s specific needs and can provide a safe and secure environment. Regular communication with the dog sitter or daycare staff is essential to address any concerns or adjustments needed to help your Shih Tzu overcome separation anxiety.

Shih Tzu Separation Anxiety: 5 Expert-Approved Tips

Final Thoughts: Train Your Shih Tzu to Overcome Separation Anxiety

After diving into the world of separation anxiety in Shih Tzus and exploring various training techniques, it’s clear that there are effective ways to help your furry friend overcome this challenging issue. By understanding the root causes of separation anxiety and implementing positive reinforcement training methods, you can make a significant difference in your Shih Tzu’s emotional well-being.

One key aspect to remember is that consistency is key in training your Shih Tzu. Establishing a routine and gradually increasing the time spent apart will help build their confidence and reduce anxiety. Additionally, incorporating interactive toys, puzzles, or treat-dispensing gadgets can provide mental stimulation and distract them during your absence. Remember to always leave your Shih Tzu in a safe and comfortable environment, with access to fresh water and familiar items that carry your scent.

As you embark on this journey to train your Shih Tzu, keep in mind that it may take time and patience. Every dog is unique, and their progress will vary. However, with perseverance and a positive mindset, you can help your Shih Tzu conquer separation anxiety and build a stronger bond of trust and security. Remember to consult with a professional trainer or veterinarian if needed, and never hesitate to seek support from fellow dog owners who have faced similar challenges.

So, gear up with knowledge, love, and a bag full of treats, and let’s help our Shih Tzus overcome separation anxiety one step at a time!


I am the owner of Shihtzuadvice.com and the proud parent of two black and one gold Shih Tzu's. I belive that the Shih Tzu is the best all-around dog for anyone and want to share with you as much valuable knowledge as possible about this great breed!

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