
How to Introduce Your Shih Tzu to a New Baby

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Introducing a new baby to your Shih Tzu can be a delicate process. As a breed known for their affectionate and loyal nature, Shih Tzus can form strong bonds with all family members, including the newest ones. However, the arrival of a baby brings significant changes to the household, and it’s crucial to ensure that your Shih Tzu feels comfortable and secure during this transition. Here are some steps and tips to help you introduce your Shih Tzu to your new baby effectively.

Prepare Your Shih Tzu Before the Baby Arrives

Preparation is key when it comes to helping your Shih Tzu adjust to the upcoming changes. Start by gradually altering your Shih Tzu’s routine to reflect the new schedule you anticipate once the baby arrives. This includes adjusting feeding times, walking schedules, and play sessions. Consistency is crucial to help your Shih Tzu understand that, despite changes, they remain a valued part of the family.

Familiarize Your Shih Tzu with Baby Sounds and Scents

New sounds and smells can be unsettling for your Shih Tzu. To minimize stress, introduce your dog to baby-related sounds, such as crying, cooing, and laughter, using recordings. Pair these sounds with positive experiences, like treats or playtime, to create a positive association. Additionally, familiarize your Shih Tzu with the baby’s scent by letting them sniff baby blankets or clothing before the baby comes home.

Establish Boundaries and Safe Spaces

It’s important to create safe spaces for both your baby and your Shih Tzu. Designate areas in your home where your Shih Tzu can retreat and feel secure, away from the baby’s activities. This could be a cozy corner with their bed and toys. Similarly, set boundaries around the baby’s nursery or play area to ensure your Shih Tzu understands where they are not allowed to go without supervision.

Gradual Introduction to Baby Items

Allow your Shih Tzu to explore and get used to baby items, such as cribs, strollers, and toys. Encourage your dog to sniff and investigate these objects while you supervise. This helps them become accustomed to the new additions in their environment and reduces the chances of anxiety or over-excitement when the baby arrives.

Initial Introduction: Calm and Controlled

The first introduction between your Shih Tzu and your baby should be calm and controlled. Ensure your Shih Tzu is well-exercised and relaxed before the meeting. Hold your baby securely and let your Shih Tzu approach at their own pace. Use a calm voice to reassure your dog and reward them with treats for calm behavior. Keep the initial interaction short and positive to prevent overwhelming your Shih Tzu.

Monitor Interactions Closely

Always supervise interactions between your Shih Tzu and your baby. Even if your dog is well-behaved, it’s essential to ensure they do not inadvertently harm the baby or get scared by sudden movements or noises. Teach your Shih Tzu to understand that the baby is a delicate member of the family, and reward gentle behavior with praise and treats.

Reinforce Positive Behavior

Positive reinforcement is crucial during this transition period. Praise and reward your Shih Tzu for displaying calm and gentle behavior around the baby. Avoid scolding or punishing your dog for curiosity or minor infractions, as this can create negative associations with the baby. Instead, redirect unwanted behavior and reinforce positive interactions consistently.

Involve Your Shih Tzu in Family Activities

To prevent feelings of jealousy or neglect, involve your Shih Tzu in family activities that include the baby. This could be as simple as having your dog nearby during feeding times or family walks with the stroller. Including your Shih Tzu in these moments helps reinforce their role as an important member of the family and reduces any feelings of exclusion.

Address Changes in Attention and Affection

The arrival of a new baby often means changes in how much time you can dedicate to your Shih Tzu. Be mindful of this and make a conscious effort to spend quality time with your dog each day. Whether it’s a short play session, a cuddle on the couch, or a quick walk, these moments help maintain your bond and reassure your Shih Tzu that they are still loved and valued.

Seek Professional Guidance if Needed

If you notice signs of stress, anxiety, or aggression in your Shih Tzu that you cannot manage on your own, do not hesitate to seek professional help. A veterinarian or a certified dog trainer can provide valuable advice and strategies tailored to your specific situation. Addressing these issues early can prevent potential problems and ensure a harmonious relationship between your Shih Tzu and your baby.


Introducing your Shih Tzu to a new baby requires patience, preparation, and consistent positive reinforcement. By gradually acclimating your dog to the changes, establishing clear boundaries, and reinforcing positive behaviors, you can foster a loving and safe relationship between your Shih Tzu and your baby. Remember to always supervise interactions and provide your Shih Tzu with plenty of attention and reassurance during this transition period. With the right approach, your Shih Tzu will adjust to their new family member and become a loyal and gentle companion to your child.


Hey there! I've been with Shihtzuadvice.com for almost a year now, and as a pet lover with five rescued dogs and five rescued cats, I can confidently say that Shih Tzus are the ultimate companions – full of charm, loyalty, and endless love!

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