
Best Toys For Shih Tzu

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Owners of Shih Tzu know these dogs are not only cuddly but also very friendly. Shih Tzu is a small dog and great for a less active lifestyle. Even though they are great for any type of apartment, they still require plenty of playtimes and mental stimulation.

Interactive puzzles and chew toys offer an incredible way to connect and bond with your Shih Tzu. Moreover, they help your dog build up the confidence to properly maintain its soft and happy personality.

For your Shih Tzu, the best toys are undoubtedly a mix of different dog types. For starters, balls and fetch toys are suitable for more active playtimes while chew toys generally appeal to the natural chew tendency of your dog. Some owners even consider getting plush toys for their Shih Tzu to help them snuggle.

Best Toys For Shih Tzu

Best Toys For Shih Tzu?

Actually, Shih Tzu like different types of toys. Interactive rubber toys, chew toys, and plush toys all have their own place.

The best toy for your Shih Tzu depends on the developmental needs and age of your dog.

Typically, Shih Tzu puppies like soft teething toys due to their developing gums.

It is generally because these toys offer relief to their sore gums. You can have your set of toys and let your Shih Tzu decide which toy it likes the most.

Chew Toys for Shih Tzus?

Most animal behaviorists and veterinarians agree that puppies like to explore with their mouths. You may have already noticed puppies putting their mouths first on almost everything.

Teething chew toys are, therefore, perfect for puppies because they not only relieve pain associated with sore gums but also encourage dental health.

However, with time, your Shih Tzu puppy will come to appreciate other chew toys as well, such as a chew bone.
One of the best chew toys for Shih Tzu is Petstages Dogwood Chew Toys – Safe and Long Lasting Chewable Sticks.

Actually, this classic chew toy is a safe, branch-shaped alternative to rawhide. You may already know that traditional rawhide is capable of posing digestive and choking issues. Therefore, to avoid such issues, this alternative is a lot better.

You can get it from Petstages Dogwood as it offers a product line that has the texture and taste of a natural tree branch.

Still, it is capable of lasting much longer and it will not even splinter. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that it will cause any damage or harm to your puppy. You will be pleased to know that Dogwood combines lead-free synthetic strength with real wood to make exceptional and durable chew toys.

Mini Orka Chew 2-Pack is yet another product that you can purchase for your Shih Tzu puppy.

These bright-colored chew toys are undoubtedly the best for puppies in their teething stage. For instance, they are incredible for dental health and even come with multiple textures.

These textures help in massaging sore gums and the canvas streamers can play an important role in reducing plaque build-up and tartar.

However, you should keep it in mind that this pack of chew toys is made especially for small puppies and not for aggressive chewers.

Kong Chew Toys is yet another chew toy that you can enjoy. These are actually our Shih Tzu’s favourite toys to chew on and we have around 10 of these in a variety of different colours. They are pretty much indestructable and can last for a very long time.

Best Rope Toys for Shih Tzus?

There is no doubt that rope toys are classic toys for Shih Tzu dogs who love games of tug and chewing. Actually, these rope toys are designed to provide your puppy with multi-sensory fun.

Depets Tug Toys is one of the best rope toys you can get for your puppy. What makes it truly an exciting toy is it uses different textures and fabrics together with three squeakers and paper stuffing to pull your dog in. In fact, this multi-sensory toy is bound to be the favorite toy of your dog.

Using the toy, you can play a number of interactive games such as tug and fetch. In addition to it, it is a rather comfortable toy that is designed to last.

Your cute puppy can play with it and it will stay put.

Franklin Pet Supply Rope Toy is yet another toy that you can consider for your Shih Tzu dog.

It is created from reliable hemp rope and is made to suit the size of your dog.

Furthermore, its looped ends make it quite simple for you to indulge in gentle games with your Shih Tzu dog.

What makes it different from other toys is that it is a quiet toy. Therefore, it can give your dog the quiet yet fun time that it needs.

Interactive Puzzle Toys for Shih Tzus?

In addition to rope and chew toys, there are numerous interactive puzzle toys that you can get for your Shih Tzu puppy.

Treat Maze Interactive Dog Puzzle Toy is definitely a toy that you can consider.

It is a level 2 game that is going to suit the needs and requirements of your dog.

It is undoubtedly an enticing game and you can fill it with a number of treats.

Moreover, you can shake it to release the scent.

Overall, these are some toys that you can consider for your Shih Tzu dog. When you are looking for an interactive toy for your puppy, you should consider the age of your dog and its habits.

Even though all toys are capable of making your puppy happy, some puppies prefer puzzle toys more than chew toys.
Therefore, you should select an interactive toy based on the habits and needs of your puppy. If you are unsure which interactive toy is more suitable for your dog, you can just go along with a couple of toys and let your puppy decide the best toy for it.

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I am the owner of Shihtzuadvice.com and the proud parent of two black and one gold Shih Tzu's. I belive that the Shih Tzu is the best all-around dog for anyone and want to share with you as much valuable knowledge as possible about this great breed!

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