The Importance Of Training Your Dog To Come?
Becoming a dog owner is an immense responsibility; you are accountable for their health and safety. It is why it is extremely important that you, Shih Tzu learn to listen to your commands.
The tiny little dog has a friendly and explorative nature. Imagine you are out for a stroll with your Shih Tzu, and something takes their attention.
The dog will likely run towards it with its little paws and cause you to lose grip on its leash.
If the Shih Tzu comes out of your reach and does not respond to your calling, it could have terrible outcomes.
Training your Shih Tzu to come when called efficiently circumventing a scenario where your puppy is out of control and in danger. To keep your furry friend secure all the time, you have to teach your dog to come so you can keep them out of harm’s way.
Let your dog enjoy warm summer evenings running around outside without stressing you out. They also have a right to experience living without a leash, right?
When inside, we lock all the doors and windows so that the tiny puppy does not escape.
Outdoors rely on the durability of our leash as the first line of defense for our Shih Tzu against the big bad world. However, teaching your dog the basic instinct for self-preservation is equally vital. Shih Tzus are intensely intuitive dogs; you can easily condition them to look out for themselves and listen to your commands.
You must undertake this process step by step and be patient.
Start with teaching your Shih Tzu when you sit and stay, and then slowly build up to your original motive.
Table of Contents
How To Choose A Recall Command?
There are a few different methods for training your Shih Tzu to “come” at your call that you may want to consider.
Look What I Got Strategy
What you have to do is create a lure for your dog. You can use a small bag of treats to tempt your Shih Tzu. Let him get distracted, and give your Shih Tzu time to roam around before calling him over.
Call your dog when your puppy stops focusing on you. Say its name and follow this with the common to “come .”Reward them for coming to you and if needed, use the retreats in the bag to bring them closer.
Over time, you will have to phase out the lure and ensure your Shih Tzu responds solely to your command.
Run Away Strategy
Attach a lightweight leash on your little puppy and let the Shih Tzu grad it as they explore the area around them. Give your little furry dog a call and say your Shih Tzu’s name while commanding him to “come
If your dog does not respond immediately, take hold of their leash and run the other way while saying the command once again. Wait till your Shih Tzu comes close to you.
When the dog starts chasing you, stop and utilize the leash to bring him close enough to touch him. Practice until your dog begins coming reliably without you needing to run away.
Clicker Training
An effective method for training your dog is not only to come when beckoned but also to teach them a variety of other tricks.
Regardless of the type of method you deploy, consistency is essential. Use the same recall command persistently and stick with your choice.
You must experiment with various methods to choose a recall command that will be easy for your Shih Tzu to understand and remember. After gauging your Shih Tzu’s response and determining how they respond, you can adjust the speed and frequency of training.
Getting Started With The Training

It will take significant training to reliably teach your Shih Tzu to come to your command.
Two core factors play a substantial part in successfully training your Shih Tzu to come to your command:
- The temperament of your Shih Tzu
- How good of a relationship have you developed with your dog
If your Shih Tzu likes interacting with you and wants to be in close proximity to you, you can easily teach him the command to “come .”Making training sessions fun and positive for your Shih Tzu should be your top focus.
The key to remember is never to call your dog for punishment or to complete a task they wouldn’t enjoy. Additionally, in the training period, please refrain from calling it away from something he has a lot of fun doing to something he would enjoy less.
In a crux, practice the command at the beginning when you would not stop the Shih Tzu from what he was already engaged in doing. The recommendation is to begin teaching your puppies obedience training when they are 8 weeks old.
It is the best age to begin teaching your puppy to come at your call as they are small in size and more prone to listening to your commands.
The art of training your Shih Tzu to come when called in a controlled environment starts by opting for an area that does not have a lot of distractions.
Please give them a treat or praise by patting your puppy on the head when they come close enough for you to grab him by the collar. Afterward, you can release him and let him play about.
It is about setting the right tone and training your Shih Tzu in a positive environment. He will willingly want to obey your command when it matters.
Gradually Increase The Difficulty Of Training
Do not get disheartened if your Shih Tzu takes some time learning. By staying consistent with the training sessions, you will see results.
After a few continuous sessions for a month or so, you can expect your Shih Tzu to come when you beckon them without a doubt. A proportion of dogs may take a longer time to achieve reliable recall.
Once your dog can recall the command “come” loyally, gradually enhance the distance between your Shih Tzu and you. There are multiple steps to follow for testing the best way for your dog to learn the command while gradually increasing the distance between you and your Shih Tzu during training.
- Start inside at shorter distances equivalent to 10 or 15 feet. After making eye contact with your dog, walk farther from him and call in a cheerful voice for him to “come .”You can say your Shih Tzu’s name, pat your legs, or call your hands for added motivation.
- Persistently use the command until your dog comes close to you. When he does, reward him with a treat.
- Begin repeating this same step at longer distances. Go to another room now and then call out to him. If he doesn’t respond, go back to the same room. Be patient and keep on repeating your moves.
- Training your Shih Tzu to come when called when there are distractions present is a bit of a challenge. Think about all the items that distract your pup. Begin by introducing a small-scale distraction, for instance, his favorite chew toy, in the surroundings. Then practice the command to come. Make sure that you have a reward ready for when your Shih Tzu complies.
- When it comes to where your Shih Tzu has mastered the command indoors, it is time to step outside. Start with your backyard and move to bigger places and longer distances.
Training Your Shih Tzu To Come When Called Off-Leash In A Safe, Enclosed Area
You need to incentivize the action when it comes to dealing with the outdoors. There are so many distractions, and you should have the perfect encouragement to make your puppy come back to you.
Show your dog the toy or treat you have for him, and then walk a few paces. Then call the command to “come” excitedly to motivate your Shih Tzu to obey.
Maintaining And Reinforcing Your Shih Tzu’s Recall Skills

Have realistic expectations and let your Shih Tzu take their due time. Levels of obedience are similar to grade levels, and you cannot expect your dog to begin at the senior level.
When training your puppy, keep in mind the trait that defines a reliable “come” command. In response to your command is one in response to which the dog comes close enough for you to actually gain control of it physically.
The secret here is repetition. When you show them that the good time won’t stop if they come to you, your little puppy will not be apprehensive about complying.
Shih Tzus are highly sensitive, so you need to deal with them in a fun and patient manner. Call you Shih Tzu and give them a reward when they comply.
Using high-value rewards for positive reinforcement is vital to make the process easier for your adorable, tiny dog. Making these training sessions fun and positive for your Shih Tzu will ensure that he doesn’t feel like it is a punishment.
Furthermore, your dog will feel more connected to you as their owner and provider when you treat them with respect and love.
As is a requirement for most dog training commands, reinforcement is crucial. How to maintain and reinforce your Shih Tzu’s recall skills over time is to implement different tricks.
For instance, when you begin training, use high-value treats that your Shih Tzu does not receive normally. A tasty treat such as string cheese or jerky can be substantially motivating.
Tips For Troubleshooting Common Issues That May Arise During Training

Parenting isn’t easy, and you might encounter issues when training your Shih Tzu to “come” when called. Refrain from feeling surprised or overwhelmed; you have the power to bring your Shih Tzu back on track.
Generally, Shih Tzus are smart dogs; they seldom exhibit a keenness for obedience. Let’s discuss the one or two problems you might come across.
- Once off the lead, your Shih Tzu runs off!
Refrain from running after your dog. When you chase after the Shih Tzu, it will only motivate them. Your puppy might think you are playing with him. Remain where you are and demand him to come back toward you.
Use your body language to portray that your Shih Tzu should come your way. Pat your knees as well as turn your body partially towards the space you wish he would come toward.
- Your Shih Tzu looks at you but does not come.
When this happens, continue to practice inside. Stay indoors and go into a separate room and call your dog. Please give him a treat when he complies and show enthusiasm when your Shih Tzu comes. Keep practicing indoors till the time your puppy is persistent in the habit.
Keep each training session short and fun but also consistent. Finish every session with a positive vibe and align your training speed with your Shih Tzu response. The common to come at your call will provide your little friend with a sturdy foundation for complex training in the future.
Also, everyone will find your puppy to be more enjoyable company.
The method may be taxing, but it will continue training and reinforcing your Shih Tzu’s recall skills.
Having a reliable recall for your Shih Tzus is important for their safety and well-being.
Begin by putting your Shih Tzu on a leash, and remember to use an enthusiastic voice to give the command to “come .”You can aim to go another way and start running in the opposite direction while calling your Shih Tzu.
Keep on practicing, as repetition is the ideal method of ensuring your Shih Tzu gets the hang of the ‘come’ command.