Shih Tzus are adorable companions that often become like family members. However, despite their human-like traits, they have specific dietary needs as dogs. Let’s delve into what you can and cannot feed your beloved Shih Tzu to ensure their health and happiness.
CANS: What’s Safe to Feed

Commercial Dog Food
Opt for high-quality commercial dog food tailored for small breeds, rich in protein from meat or fish, and fortified with essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals. This ensures your Shih Tzu receives a balanced diet crucial for their well-being.
Cooked Meats

Lean meats such as chicken, turkey, and beef are excellent protein sources for your Shih Tzu. However, always remove bones and excess fat to prevent digestive issues and obesity.
Selected Vegetables and Fruits

Most vegetables and fruits are safe for Shih Tzus and offer valuable nutrients. Chop them into small, manageable pieces to aid digestion.
AVOID: Foods Harmful to Shih Tzus
Chocolate, Alliums, Grapes, Raisins, Macadamia Nuts, Raw Meat

These foods can pose severe health risks, including poisoning and organ failure. Keep them out of reach and prioritize your Shih Tzu’s safety.
Ensuring your Shih Tzu’s diet consists of safe and nutritious foods is crucial for their well-being. If in doubt, always consult your veterinarian for personalized guidance. By understanding their dietary needs, you can contribute to a long, happy life for your furry friend.