Introducing a new furry friend into your family is a special experience, and one of the most exciting parts is choosing the perfect name. If you’re welcoming a new male Shih Tzu into your life, you’ll want a name that reflects their unique personality and character.
With so many options out there, it can be challenging to find the right one.
That’s why we’ve put together a list of 750 Shih Tzu male names that are both classic and trendy, giving you plenty of inspiration to find the perfect name for your new pup.
From Ace to Keaton, there’s a name on this list to suit every Shih Tzu, and we’re confident you’ll find one that you and your pup will love. So, let’s dive in and discover the perfect name for your furry friend!
- Ace
- Achilles
- Adam
- Alfie
- Amos
- Andy
- Angus
- Apollo
- Archie
- Arnie
- Artie
- Atlas
- Atticus
- Austin
- Axel
- Bailey
- Baloo
- Bandit
- Barney
- Barry
- Basil
- Baxter
- Bear
- Beau
- Benji
- Bentley
- Bernie
- Bertie
- Biscuit
- Blaine
- Blake
- Blue
- Bobby
- Boomer
- Bowie
- Brady
- Brando
- Brandon
- Brewster
- Brody
- Bruno
- Bryce
- Buddy
- Buster
- Butch
- Buzz
- Cade
- Caesar
- Caleb
- Calvin
- Cameron
- Campbell
- Carl
- Carlton
- Cash
- Casper
- Chance
- Chandler
- Charlie
- Chase
- Chester
- Chewie
- Chico
- Chip
- Churchill
- Cisco
- Clark
- Clifford
- Clyde
- Cody
- Colby
- Cole
- Cooper
- Copper
- Cosmo
- Crash
- Crosby
- Cruiser
- Cruz
- Cujo
- Curtis
- Cyrus
- Dakota
- Dallas
- Dalton
- Damian
- Damon
- Dan
- Daniel
- Dante
- Darby
- Darcy
- Dash
- Dave
- David
- Dawson
- Dean
- Delgado
- Dempsey
- Dennis
- Denver
- Derek
- Dexter
- Diego
- Diesel
- Digby
- Dillon
- Dino
- Dixon
- Django
- Doc
- Dodge
- Doogie
- Dougie
- Drake
- Drew
- Duke
- Duncan
- Dustin
- Dusty
- Dutch
- Dylan
- Earl
- Easton
- Eddie
- Edgar
- Edison
- Edmund
- Edward
- Edwin
- Einstein
- Elmo
- Elvis
- Emerson
- Emilio
- Emmett
- Enzo
- Eric
- Ernest
- Ernie
- Esteban
- Eugene
- Evan
- Everett
- Ewan
- Ezra
- Fabio
- Fargo
- Farley
- Felix
- Fernando
- Finn
- Flash
- Fletcher
- Floyd
- Flynn
- Fonzie
- Forest
- Forrest
- Foster
- Fox
- Franco
- Frankie
- Franklin
- Fred
- Freddie
- Freddy
- Freedom
- Fritz
- Gabe
- Gabriel
- Gatsby
- Gavin
- George
- Gibson
- Gideon
- Gilbert
- Gizmo
- Glacier
- Glen
- Godfrey
- Goldie
- Goliath
- Gonzo
- Gordon
- Grady
- Graham
- Grant
- Gray
- Grayson
- Griff
- Griffin
- Grover
- Gus
- Guster
- Gusto
- Guy
- Hachi
- Hadley
- Haiden
- Hal
- Hamilton
- Hank
- Harley
- Harper
- Harrison
- Harry
- Harvey
- Haskell
- Hawk
- Hayden
- Heath
- Hector
- Henry
- Hercules
- Hermes
- Hero
- Hobbes
- Hogan
- Holden
- Holly
- Homer
- Hoover
- Horace
- Horton
- Howard
- Hoyt
- Hudson
- Hugo
- Humphrey
- Hunter
- Hyde
- Ian
- Iggy
- Igor
- Ike
- Indigo
- Inigo
- Ira
- Isaac
- Isaiah
- Ishmael
- Ivan
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jagger
- Jai
- Jake
- James
- Jamie
- Jasper
- Jay
- Jax
- Jazz
- Jed
- Jefferson
- Jeffrey
- Jekyll
- Jenkins
- Jennings
- Jerry
- Jesse
- Jet
- Jett
- Jim
- Jimmy
- Jinx
- Joaquin
- Joe
- Joel
- Joey
- John
- Johnny
- Joker
- Jonah
- Jonathan
- Jordan
- Jordon
- Jose
- Joseph
- Joshua
- Josiah
- Judd
- Jude
- Julian
- Julius
- Juno
- Justice
- Kade
- Kael
- Kai
- Kale
- Kaleb
- Kane
- Karl
- Kash
- Kato
- Katz
- Keanu
- Keaton
- Keith
- Keller
- Kelly
- Kendrick
- Kenny
- Kent
- Kermit
- Kevin
- Kilo
- King
- Kingston
- Kip
- Kirby
- Klaus
- Kobe
- Kodiak
- Kody
- Kofi
- Kona
- Kramer
- Kris
- Kristoff
- Kuma
- Kurt
- Kyle
- Landon
- Lane
- Langston
- Larry
- Lars
- Lassie
- Lawrence
- Lazarus
- Leif
- Lemmy
- Lenny
- Leo
- Leonard
- Leroy
- Levi
- Lewis
- Lex
- Liam
- Lincoln
- Linus
- Lionel
- Loki
- London
- Lorenzo
- Louie
- Louis
- Luca
- Lucian
- Lucky
- Luke
- Luther
- Lyle
- Lyndon
- Mac
- Mack
- Maddox
- Madison
- Magnus
- Major
- Malcolm
- Malcom
- Manny
- Manuel
- Marley
- Marlon
- Marshall
- Martin
- Marty
- Marvel
- Mason
- Mateo
- Matt
- Matteo
- Matthew
- Maverick
- Max
- Maximilian
- Maxwell
- Maynard
- Meeko
- Melvin
- Memphis
- Merlin
- Merrick
- Micah
- Michael
- Mickey
- Midnight
- Miguel
- Mikey
- Miles
- Miller
- Milo
- Milton
- Moe
- Mojo
- Momo
- Monte
- Monty
- Moose
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morty
- Moses
- Murphy
- Murray
- Mustang
- Mylo
- Nacho
- Napoleon
- Nash
- Neo
- Nero
- Newton
- Nico
- Nigel
- Niko
- Noah
- Noble
- Nolan
- Noodle
- Norman
- Norton
- Nugget
- Oakley
- Obi
- Odin
- Oliver
- Onyx
- Opie
- Orbit
- Orlando
- Orville
- Oscar
- Otis
- Otto
- Ozzie
- Paco
- Paddington
- Paddy
- Paisley
- Pal
- Palmer
- Panda
- Parker
- Patches
- Paws
- Pax
- Payton
- Peanut
- Pedro
- Peekaboo
- Pegasus
- Pelé
- Percy
- Perry
- Petey
- Phantom
- Philip
- Phoenix
- Picasso
- Pickles
- Pierce
- Pilot
- Pinot
- Pip
- Piper
- Pippin
- Plato
- Pogo
- Polo
- Pompey
- Porter
- Poseidon
- Presley
- Prince
- Princeton
- Primo
- Professor
- Puck
- Puddles
- Pudge
- Pugsley
- Pumpkin
- Punkin
- Pup
- Pupper
- Quigley
- Quincy
- Quinn
- Racer
- Radar
- Rafael
- Ralph
- Rambo
- Ramsey
- Rascal
- Ray
- Reagan
- Red
- Reggie
- Remi
- Remington
- Reno
- Remy
- Rex
- Rhino
- Ricardo
- Rich
- Richie
- Rick
- Ricky
- Rico
- Rider
- Ridge
- Riley
- Rio
- Ripley
- River
- Roan
- Rob
- Robbie
- Robert
- Robin
- Rock
- Rocket
- Rocko
- Rocky
- Rodeo
- Rocco
- Roderick
- Rodney
- Roger
- Roland
- Romeo
- Ronan
- Ronnie
- Roosevelt
- Rory
- Roscoe
- Rosco
- Ross
- Rowan
- Roy
- Royal
- Ruben
- Rudy
- Rufus
- Rusty
- Ryder
- Sage
- Salem
- Salty
- Sam
- Sammy
- Samson
- Sansa
- Santiago
- Sarge
- Sawyer
- Saxton
- Schatzi
- Scooby
- Scooter
- Scottie
- Scout
- Scrappy
- Sebastian
- Seinfeld
- Selby
- Semper
- Serge
- Shadow
- Shakespeare
- Shane
- Shasta
- Sheldon
- Shelton
- Shepherd
- Sherman
- Shiloh
- Shorty
- Sidney
- Silas
- Silver
- Simba
- Simon
- Sinatra
- Sirius
- Skip
- Skippy
- Sky
- Skylar
- Slinky
- Smokey
- Smudge
- Snickers
- Snoopy
- Snow
- Solo
- Sonny
- Spark
- Sparky
- Spencer
- Spike
- Spock
- Sport
- Sprinkles
- Spud
- Squeaky
- Squire
- Stanley
- Star
- Stark
- Steele
- Stevie
- Stitch
- Storm
- Stormy
- Strider
- Stuart
- Stuie
- Stud
- Sullivan
- Sully
- Sultan
- Summer
- Sunny
- Sunset
- Sushi
- Sven
- Swag
- Syd
- Sylvester
- Taco
- Taft
- Tag
- Tails
- Taj
- Tango
- Tank
- Tanner
- Tariq
- Tarzan
- Tate
- Taz
- Teddy
- Tempo
- Tenor
- Tequila
- Terence
- Terrance
- Terry
- Tex
- Thatcher
- Theo
- Theodore
- Thor
- Thumper
- Thunder
- Thurston
- Tiger
- Titan
- Toby
- Todd
- Toffee
- Togo
- Toliver
- Tom
- Tommy
- Tonka
- Tony
- Topper
- Torin
- Toro
- Torpedo
- Tory
- Tracker
- Travis
- Trey
- Tripp
- Trooper
- Troy
- Truman
- Tucker
- Turbo
- Turner
- Tux
- Twain
- Twinkle
- Ty
- Tyler
- Tyson
- Uno
- Usher
- Valentino
- Vance
- Vegas
- Vernon
- Victor
- Vinny
- Vinnie
- Virgil
- Vito
- Vlad
- Wade
- Walker
- Wallie
- Waldo
- Wallace
- Walter
- Warhol
- Warner
- Warren
- Watson
- Waylon
- Webster
- Wendell
- Wesley
- West
- Weston
- Whiskey
- Whistler
- Whitey
- Widget
- Wiley
- Wilfred
- William
- Willie
- Wilson
- Winston
- Wolf
- Wolfgang
- Woody
- Wrigley
- Wyatt
- Xander
- Xavier
- Yoda
- Yogi
- Yoshi
- Yukon
- Yuri
- Zeus
- Ziggy
We hope this list of Shih Tzu male names has given you plenty of inspiration to find the perfect name for your new furry friend.
Remember, your pup’s name will be with them for life, so choose a name that you and your dog will love.
Whether you opt for a classic or trendy name, we’re confident you’ll find one that perfectly suits your Shih Tzu’s unique personality and character.
If we missed your male Shih Tzu’s name, please drop it in the comments below.